Monday, November 28, 2011

This Week's Goals

1. Drink at least 90 ounces of water or unsweetened, herbal iced tea.  (Water isn't as easy now that it's not that warm out, iced tea seems to hit the spot lately so I make pitchers of that.)

2. Work out for 45 minutes Monday, Thursday and Saturday.  I have a busy schedule this week.

3. Walk for 30 minutes of allowed time at work on Monday, Tuesday and Friday. (Busy week, so that's all I can plan for)

4. Do Yoga three times this week.  My back and hips have been achy and yoga always helps.  Cold weather sucks.

5. Take current measurements and compare to June's measurements.  I found a notebook from when I started this blog and the Slimmer this Summer challenge with my measurements recorded.  I did it for three weeks in a row then forgot all about it.  I'm anxious to see the changes in numbers. 

6. 1200 calories or less.  No exceptions.  That means tracking!!

7. 1 Dessert this week.  Technically, I ate two pecan cookies while baking yesterday, so I guess NO MORE SWEETS this week.  I just discovered a cake in the copy room by the coffee here at work.  I said "What the fuck?!  Who brought cake?!".  My friend replied, "Seriously, it's too early on a Monday to start your swearing.  Now, get away from the fuckin' cake, piglet!".  So, I left the room.  I wasn't even going to eat it because it had crappy frosting on it.  So, whatevsies.... piglets.  If you are unaware of my behavior at work, read this post.

8.  No fried food or pizza or total garbage this week.  Good decisions.  No 'splurge' or 'cheat' or total 'bullshit' days.  For real.  This week = on point.  That doesn't mean I'm going to eat lettuce all week, I'm just going to make good decisions.  Balance overall. 

9.  Write out and send my box of 16 Christmas cards.  I buy a box every year and never send them. 

Other News:
James!  I met him two weeks ago in a very embarrassing way.  He is in town 5 nights out of the week, he's been staying with me for the majority of the nights he is here.  Things are going well.  He's amazing, adorable and oh so funny.  I feel like I've known him for much longer than 2 weeks.  I finally told him about all the drama, stalking and victimization of the past couple months when I was telling him why I was moving out of my house.  He helped me see things in a different, much more positive perspective.  Who knew that was possible?  
    I also talked to him after my family Thanksgiving ended horribly.  He said, "I wish I could just be with you all the time, so you always smile.  I promise I'll always treat you like gold.  I hate people who don't and how it makes you feel.  I don't get it - how do they not see how awesome you are?  I promise if there's something I disagree with or we need to talk about - that's what we will do.  Talk.  Like adults.  With respect.  Why is that so much to ask from other people?  I'm sorry, baby.  I'll see you soon and hope I can help make it better."  Aweeee, he's the sweetest.  He came at a perfect time.  I'm glad I did not end up moving out of my house, now we have our privacy.  :)

Family: Thanksgiving was just awful.  I am convinced that I am my Father's real daughter, but my 'Mother' is from another planet.  We have had the best relationship we've ever had for the past year - give or take.  After 29 years, I finally got along with the woman - I see her as an adult friend vs. a 'Mom' and that works for me.  I don't have high expectations that a person would from their Mom, I just have simple expectations and interactions.  From time to time, the old her that raised me comes out and it's hateful, mean, neglectful and careless.  Careless and wreckless with my feelings, life, self.... and hers at the same time.  It might be a miracle, literally, that I survived my childhood.  My Dad died when I was 6 years old, leaving my 11 and 8 year old sisters to fend for ourselves in the onslaught of Mother's booze, men, parties, 'friends' and neglect.  There are so many issues there that I have yet to deal with..... 
     My sisters are fine and awesome.  Today is my closest sister's birthday.  She is 31.  She is finally pregnant with our miracle baby.  Yes, 'Our'.  I can't wait.  I am thankful for her every day because I'd be lost without her.

Life goes on.  I've decided I'm going to move forward right along with it.


  1. April those are great goals this week! I like that you always have a plan. I hope this week is a great one, eventhough you said it would be busy. James seems like a great guy, and I'm so very happy for you :)

  2. You have some great goals there!
    Can I ask you about the calories, because you say 1200. When you work out, do you add more then? I'm worried about going too low and going into saving mode.

  3. Good plans, so happy about you and James, wishing you guys nothing but the best. Sorry about your family drama, sucks we can't pick our family members sometimes!

  4. always good to have goals!

    sounds like despite some heavy stuff you have light/fun stuff (james) to get ya through it!

    i am such an avid fan of measurements over the blasted scale -- they are the true indicators of our hard work & success!

    rock on sweetie!

  5. A good plan April, you can do it. This week will be good.
    James sounds awesome, enjoy him.
    Take care and have a blessed week.

  6. Good luck with the comparison to the stats recorded in June. That reminds me that I wrote some down somewhere, so I might have to dig those out.

    Great news to hear that you and James are getting along great. You've got your miracle baby and now a miracle man who's came into your life at just the right time! hehe!

  7. You're doing well on your goals--and I am super glad that you've got James right now to help you through all this family trauma. Love your face.

  8. Great goals & I'm so happy for you finding someone that's so supportive!

  9. Just came across your blog tonight from another I follow. :) I look forward to following your progress.
