Thursday, October 27, 2011

I got a card at work today and I laughed so hard I cried....

I found this card and note under my door this morning.  Pretty sure I know which co-worker it's from.  She's a peach! 

Things I love about you…

I love how you had a cashew in your cleavage all day and had NO idea.

I love how when your boss asked you why you were late three times this week, you said “Because I’ve been dancing with the devil!  Meeee-oowww!”, did a little jig and boogie…. Then left her office.

I love how the standing rule of staff meetings is that cake can NOT be served until after the business is done or else April won’t pay attention.  I dearly miss having cake with my tea at the staff meeting; thanks a lot for ruining that for all of us.

I love how we are in a BRAND new building with PERFECT carpet… except the trail of coffee from the copy room to your office down the hallway.  I love how EVERY time you go for a coffee refill, you curse all the way down the hall (at the other end to your office) and say, ‘I’m spilling coffee everywhere! Shit! I always make it too full! Why me? This sucks balls!’.

I love it when your bouncy curls are sexy and as big as the state of Texas, you have your black heeled boots, bling on the shirt, Liberace jewelry on and your make up is all pro-looking….  Are you going to a club or a rock concert?  None of the above, you’re at work.  Hooker.

I love how when it was time for all directors to help with inventory, via MANDATORY memo… you replied ‘Uh, no I’m not gonna do that’.  Boss – ‘And why not?’ April – ‘That’s not really what I do’.  And you got away with it?!?!
I love how the copy machine works fine for everyone who uses it, except you.  When you go in the copy room, I wait patiently for the cursing, slamming of drawers and punching of buttons to begin.  ‘I hate this thing.  The copy machine is broke! Hey, someone – HELP ME! This thing is fucking possessed!’.  Remember when you first started, people would run to your aid?  We all just ignore you now, operator error!!

I love how you go from all these expletives to upstanding professional in the drop of a hat.  You’re ridiculously smart, do you realize that?  Your vocabumalary is at least fifty times better than most people.  How many books do you read a week?  Yet, you find a way to work the word ‘balls’ into almost every sentence.   Solid Genius.  I also love how you read a book at work, all the time… and brag about it.  ‘I finished 7 chapters today!’.  Really?  Everyone else DID THEIR JOBS.
I love how you have a picture on your desk of a rat with the saying, “Despite all my rage, I’m still just a rat in a cage”.  Great song.  Great pic.

I love your taste in music and how on any given day Black Sabbath, Tupac, or Sade might be completely blaring down the hallway from your insane little corner of the world. Thank God you introduced me to CocoRosie.

I love walking in your office and finding you playing air drums to the beat of the music with two highlighters.
I love it when you laugh like a hyena for hours and I can hear it at my desk.  You’re usually chatting, playing a game or of course…. Reading… PS – You have the cutest little giggle (before the hyena fits kick in, that is)

I love how when someone walks in your office to ask you a question or to do something – you say, ‘Name that tune first or no dice!!!!’.  I love how that little game led to refusing Finance a copy of your budget because the poor lady didn’t know any of the songs on your heavy metal playlist.
Gosh, I think that’s it.  Mostly, I love that you’re a loyal friend and you don’t gossip.  When people are gossiping you say, ‘Oh, I don’t know anything about it, I wasn’t there’ and you leave.  I can trust you.  You’re crazy as hell.  You might just be too damn smart for your own good.  You have been here only a few months, yet you have the best program and a level of respect from staff and community members that some haven’t earned in 20 years of working for this place.

PS – I think this list could be titled ‘Reasons why you should be fired!!!’…… How exactly do you get away with all this shit?  Teach me the ways.  Also, we need to find a hottie who loves all of this about you and more…..


  1. This is AWESOME! You obviously make an impression at work - just like you do on your blog. I've never commented before - even though I always do in my head. This time I had to say something 'out loud'. What strikes me most is that someone took the time to write all this out to you -that's a lesson for me-when you think someone is fuckin' awesome(flaws & all) - tell them! People need to hear good stuff! Have a great day:)

  2. I loved it!! Whoever it is, she should get a bonus! LOL She's confident enough to know that by telling you all this, you'll laugh until you cry rather than get angry or offended like someone else might. That says a lot about the person you are.

    But I couldn't stop laughing at how she blamed you for ruining cake during meetings and the trail of coffee to your office. They sure are lucky to have a co-worker/supervisor like you around! :)

    Keep keeping it real, April!!!

  3. love, love, love this!! What an awesome way to start your day! :)

  4. HAHAHAHAHA That is AWESOME!! As I was reading this, I was thinking, "How does she get away with it??" I guess your friend thinks the same! Sounds like you'd be a hell of a lot of fun to work with. :)

  5. Aw, what a great list!! I bet you are a blast to work with. Very cool :)

  6. Awesome list, can I come work for you? Please teach me some of your tricks. I know I can get away with murder at my job, I just don't have the balls to put actions into to words.

  7. WOW!!! that's a mouthful hehe, what a quirky awesome card that is!!!! :)

  8. Best card ever!! You are one funny, awesome gal!! Love it!

  9. LOL this was hysterical. I had to read every single one. Completely. Too funny. It makes me want to know you and be your friend. You seem to be one awesome person!!!

  10. How awesome is that?? 2 days of having others see & point out how bitching you are! LOL!! You coworker sounds pretty great too:-). You are funny in blog land so I figured you'd be pretty rad in real life & this just shows me I was right.

  11. YES, hilarious! You are awesome.

  12. LOL i gotta do the "name that tune" with my coworkers.. you my dear are HI-LARIOUS :0) What a great card

  13. LOL! I love this post. You seem soooooooo fun. I wish I could hang out with you. We'd have a blast together.

    "I love how you had a cashew in your cleavage all day and had NO idea." LMAO! I love how your friend didn't let you know! Ahaha!

  14. Yep, made me laugh, too. Thanks for sharing!

  15. haha, very funny! I thought I never did any work but you are on the next level! LOL

  16. Hahaha, name the tune or no dice! This is hilarious!

  17. I love that I feel like I know you now more than I've ever known you before. Thank your co-worker for me! I'm in love now. haha. ^_^

  18. LOL funny.... I suspected u r as awesome in real life as you are online.

    By the way... I nominated your blog for an award.

  19. You know, I think you'd be a blast to work with though I'm sure the bosses I've had just wouldn't go with the flow.
    Take care and have a blessed evening.

  20. aww lovely! i love those things about you now too :)

  21. That was freaking awesome! I laughed too - my office is soooo not that way! lol

  22. This is a great post! You certainly have a great friend at work!

  23. Freaking HILARIOUS!!! I am glad you linked this post today because it rocked! I could so picture my husband's old job where everyone has cubbies.

  24. This could be the best list ever! So adding you back
