Wednesday, October 26, 2011

I'm such an eavesdropper....

I stopped in another office to do some business, then headed down their hallway to drop off some paperwork to another person.  As I was coming back through the hallway towards the first office I was in, I heard this.....

Guy #1: Who WAS that?
Guy #2: Her name is April
Guy #1: Did you notice how beautiful she was?  I can't even describe what I mean or what I saw when she was standing here.  She just looked so beautiful. 
Guy #2: Yeah, they usually don't come that classy either.
Guy #1: Damn!  Seeing her was some kind of torture, girls that pretty shouldn't be coming in here.
Guy #2: 'Chuckles', I'll try to do our business with her at her office in the future, so you aren't suffering.

I could feel myself blushing.  I made a quiet exit from their office...... All smiles and very happy.  I'll take it! :)


  1. Whoo hoo! He thinks your hot!...What an awesome thing to over hear! Was he cute??

  2. werk it girl!
    that is one hell of an awesome non-scale-victory fo' sho'!

  3. That's awesome, nothing like a couple guys thinking you are beautiful just the way you are:-) You go girl!!

  4. Awww! Hotness recognized, gossiped about, and then overheard is just awesome! I love this!

  5. Oh yeah! When you're eating right, you feel better and you exude beauty both inside and out. People are bound to notice! :)

  6. awwwwwww sometimes it pays to eavesdrop ;) Love this!

  7. Awesome! Bet you felt fantastic after that!

  8. Lol, well check you out, breaking hearts left right and centre! Good for you!

  9. What's happenin' hot stuff!!

    Woo! ;) You are beautiful inside and out, Miss April <3 What a great way to brighten up your day!!

  10. Please tell me that this is not a surprise to you?! It's not to me! You are a beautiful person inside and out! But it is nice to hear it from someone else, isn't it? :)

  11. Wow! What an exciting thing to hear :D

  12. Awesome!! What a great feeling that had to be!!

  13. YES!!! That's the kind of thing you want to overhear, not like the doofus at the festival who dissed you.

    Ask him out. :D Why not? :D

  14. those guys were right on the money, beautiful girl!! x

  15. You go Girl.

    You have a blogger award.

  16. Now THAT is a NSV FTW!!! I love it!

  17. Very cute! Your confidence shines!

  18. Wow! You need to ask someone out!

  19. Amen to everyones comment. You are beautiful!!!

  20. OMG that is too cool. You are beautiful. I just got wind of your current drama. Whoa I feel for ya. Back in the day, and actually now I have some intimidating relatives and friends that would take a rocket ship to my assistance. I have never and probably would not resort to that, but sometimes you just can't avoid a show of muscle as we know in this global stuff our country is involved in.

    A cousin of my son in law had a guy who stayed at her house because he said he had no place to go. He became an annoyance in some way to her. My son in law (6ft two and a large man), two large Samoan friend with braids and tattoos (in Idaho where we lived there is few people so ethnically looking, but these guys are sweet guys and very respectful to all especially Grandma Susie-me) They knocked on her door and told the man to leave. As he left and got enough distance, the guy started to mouth off at the Samoans. Such a great sense of humor our friends have Samoa Mike goes "You better run, I have been to prison and if I catch up to you, I'll rape you." I mean that is serious but funny coming from a big teddy bear of a guy but the dude running as his eyeballs widened didn't know.

  21. Oh my GOD. What a wonderful thing to overhear. It made MY heart race just reading it!

    If it were me I would have stomped in and say, oh thank you, but listen, I have been eating this cabbage soup all week trying to lose weight - and BOY HOWDIE have a been farting to high heaven - I look good and appear classy, but I fart like all get out.

    Sincerely. I would have done that. It is a sickness.
