Tuesday, October 25, 2011

I'm back to normal, need veggie recipe ideas & I had a strength test yesterday...

Cravings have slowly dissolved into nearly nothing, finally.  Five days on vacation included 4am cheese pizza, 5am biscuits and gravy, 3am chili cheese fritos and of course - the supper at Cheesecake Factory with bread and pumpkin pecan cheesecake.  Also, lots of sugary drinks and alcohol.<<< I am not bragging, these were some seriously outrageous decisisions and I got no satisfaction out of any of it - only torture, upset stomach, weight gain, bloat, and a week long detox... Ugh.  It's not worth it, people.  It's not worth the cravings, guilt and fight to get out of the trap that all the carbs and fat surround you with.  Next time - focus.  Strength.  Accountability.  I know it sounds like I was a train wreck on my trip, but I did make a lot of good decisions when I was.... sober.  I'm glad the cravings have passed.

How did I get them to pass?  Eating cabbage soup for 3 days (I actually enjoy the stuff, it's not like it was punishment), drinking 100+ ounces of water a day, sipping on lots of hot herbal tea in the evenings, staying busy around the house (I washed walls, laundry, winter blankets and clothes, scrubbed the floor boards and kitchen/bathroom on my hands and knees....).  I also had NO groceries or food when I came back and left it that way, other than the soup, yogurt and some carrots.

I am back on track with exercise and eating.  I have been bringing my lunch.  I don't know how I lived my life for 29 years without this recipe.  Right now, I am just eating it with coleslaw mix (bagged), lots of globe grapes (on sale), slivered almonds and the yogurt dressing.  It's amazing.

I'm getting a little sick of salads.  I mean, I'm MORE sick of being ridiculously fat, but I am getting bored.  Not that eating healthy means salads all the time; but I do eat them a lot for supper and occasionally for lunch.  Any good ideas to mix that up or other recipes for meals that are mostly veggies?  I eat plenty of fruit, maybe too much - but I need to get MORE veggies as a staple in forms other than salads.  It's getting cold here - I desire to have something that seems a little more hearty, warm and filling.

Oh yeah, the clinic's free workout room was awesome!  The staff guy is really nice, we did a 'strength' assessment.  Turns out my glutes (butt muscles) are lazy.  Haha, no wonder why I have no ass.  He had me do some stretches and awkward poses, he said the muscles in my thigh and even lower back 'automatically do the work' because my ass muscles are 'untrained'.  This should make for an interesting workout regimen, huh?  My shoulders also need some work.  He said he is surprised at how good my posture was for being an office worker, I think he meant to say 'fattie'; but he said, office worker.  I also have very good balance, according to Mr. Fitness.  He is full of knowledge and was very supportive.  I am SO happy I found this resource.  :)   


  1. Strength assessment: the only time someone can get away with calling you a lazy ass. haha Glad he was cute!

  2. "I mean, I'm MORE sick of being ridiculously fat, but I am getting bored. " Made me smile. Thank you.

    There is this thing you can do to make sure you can (and then recognize when) your glutes are firing (As apposed to another muscle like one just below it in your leg - where you might be compensating for lazy butt). Lay on your stomach and concentrating on your butt muscles lift your leg up. Get someone to tell you if they are being flexed or feel yourself. You might be amazed to find a flaccid butt when you actually think you are working it.

    OK that ugly little image aside...

    How clever are you getting the strength assessment? You should have asked him how your pecs are!

    I have terrible problems with post bad girl cravings. I may have to try the cabbage soup remedy. Or not being a bad girl. Yeah, I don't see that either. My eyes glazed over for a second after reading frito chili with cheese. Soft food porn that was.

  3. Yay that is exciting about the free gym!! Heck yeah! I had lazy butt muscles til I started hiking...it's like being on a stair master for hours...ha!

    Cabbage soup is awesome this time of year and I'm glad it has flushed out some of that Vegas fare... sounds like you are getting back to normal and in routine. Awesome job!!

  4. My favorite Veggie Dish - Ratatouille

    Tastes great hot or cold.

    1 large egplant, diced
    4-6 zucchini, diced
    1 large onion, diced
    1 red bell pepper, diced
    1 yellow bell pepper, diced
    (or whatever else veggies are lying around in the bin and need to be used before they spoil)
    1/2 C olive oil

    2 lb roma tomatoes, diced
    2 tsp dried thyme
    1/4 - 1/2 tsp red pepper flakes, to taste
    1 T red wine vinegar
    salt and pepper to taste

    In a really big pan, sautee first five ingredients in olive oil. When they are starting to get tender, add the rest of the ingredients, turn heat to low and simmer until veggies are soft as you like them.

    This recipe makes enough for my large family (including teenage boys) with a bit left over for the next day. Make as much or as little as you need by varying the amount of veggies you throw in the pan, and reducing the amount of olive oil accordingly.

  5. I went off salads for years, but I'm recently back on salads. My rule is to dress it up with non-vegetable toppings: sundried tomatoes, feta, cheese, pecans etc and a tasty salad dressing. If a salad is a side salad, I usually just add the sundried tomatoes and either pecans or walnuts...

    Good job on the detox!

  6. The clinic sounds really good! I'm so jealous!! By the way, biscuits and gravy - what the hell?! I hope biscuits aren't the same biscuits we have in the UK (like cookies. That sounds so weird!!! LOL

  7. Awesome find on the gym! I noticed that just walking has tightened up my glutes some... well the boyfriend commented first which was great:-) That Ratatouille recipe sounds awesome... I'll have to try that too:-)

    You can do stuffed peppers with rice and veggie stuffing or stuffed mushrooms also:-) I'm bad with recipes, still trying to find and use some myself but since you are reading Spark have you ever taken a look at their recipes? Check out SparkRecipes and you can type in any type of veggie and get all sorts of recipes for it along with the nutritional info:-) It's great!

  8. You go girl! Everybody has made eating choices that they know they could have done better. The trick is getting back on track. You're doing great! Good for you!! Miriam@Meatless Meals For Meat Eaters

  9. @Tim - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Biscuit

    Our biscuits are a kind of bread...flaky, buttery goodness.
