Monday, November 28, 2011

How did those Goals work out....

Last week weight: 257
This week: 256

Drank a lot of vodka & beer on Friday and Saturday.  It is TOM.  Holiday was a terrible experience with my family, so I'm lucky I didn't gain ten thousand pounds.  Seriously, I can't even think about it... it's so upsetting.

1. Finish the Spark book: DONE DEAL!  Good book, will post some info this week

2. Walk at work Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday for at least 30 minutes.  M&Tu, done. Weds we got off at noon, so I was rushed.  I forgot we got off early....

3. Drink 90 ounces of water per day Slacked Thursday & Friday, prob drank 40-60 those days.

4. Work out for 90 minutes on Monday, Wednesday and Friday (either gym or DVDs at home) Done Mon, Weds, Saturday

5. Start reading the Dr. Phil book about weight loss: Started and finished the book.  :)

6. Pack! I am moving out of my amazingly cute little house at the end of November and will be staying with a family member.: NOT DONE because I am not moving out!  Thanksgiving was an awful experience with my family, so I decided I better just stay put.  I had started packing, now I have to unpack.  Good news is I minimized a lot of stuff and have several boxes of items to donate to a homeless shelter.  I don't donate stuff to Goodwill anymore.  Only to shelters or churches, because they give the goods directly to the people for free.  I even donate a lot of home decor sets to transitional women's shelters for victims of domestic violence.  They move out of those places into their own apartments, so they might as well have some cute stuff to hang on the wall.  My shopping addiction comes in handy at times like that.

7. Eat only 1 dessert on Thanksgiving. Skip carb filled side dishes. Only have 1 dinner roll (They're amazing). I had 2 mini cheesecakes.  1 dinner roll.  No loaded mashed potatoes. No stuffing. Lots of green beans sauteed with almonds (not cream soup casserole, blech!)
8. Get at least 8 hours of sleep per night. I haven't been sleeping much these days. Mission accomplished!

9. Track calories..... Totally didn't do this at all. 

10. Do not blow more than $300 on Black Friday. I ended up spending $400.....


  1. Aw, sorry family time wasn't so great, BUT sounds like you did great other wise! Very proud of that scale number after the holiday weekend, great job girl!

  2. Ooo Black Friday! I love to shop. Now that I am older and am not driving at the time..When my daughter takes me out I tease her and say in a old lady voice "My daughter is taking me to Walmart". LOL Shopping is the funnest!

    I am glad some one did not make green bean mushroom soup casserole!

  3. Sorry to hear the family time wasn't good. I hope you played nice l on black Friday. Good job on the loss this week.

  4. I just have to say I love your goals lists and then your review & accountability! I'm terrible with goals - I just realized recently that I write down goals as if they're a wish list - like some effin' fairy is going to come along and grant my wishes and I'll be thin and healthy forever! I'm 46 and I'm just now having this revelation!
    So, congrats on the goal setting...and on making a new friend;)

  5. You rocked most of those goals! I love seeing people set goals and try hard to get them accomplished. You're doing great!

    BTW, thanks for the nice comments on my blog today too. I really do appreciate them SO much.

  6. You ate such a giving soul! Good for you on finding happiness & sticking it out:-).
