Thursday, July 14, 2011

Still going strong!

Hey everyone!  I hope you're having a great week, staying cool, and shedding away those pounds.  I am going strong - actually sticking to a much lower carb-high protein diet this week.  I did great, today I had spaghetti for lunch at my Mom's though - I mean you can't resist Mom's crock pot spaghetti.... ;)  Progress, not perfection.  It's so hot and humid it's been a bit miserable - but exercising has been great.  I JOGGED (pathetic little pace of mine....) a couple times now.  I feel like a rock star when I do it, I just have more bounce in my step the next day.  I work on the 3rd floor at my office, I was coming up the stairs today and someone goes 'damn, not that fast - slow down you're making me look bad!'.  They weren't done with their griping before I was up the stairs, not a bit out of air, and onto the next flight of stairs.  They stopped to rest and I was at the top of the last flight.  Ohhhh yeah!  Energy and stamina are increasing.  I feel stronger!  I GOT THIS!

I haven't been logging on my fitness pal, did a quick update to you that I had computer problems!  I have it on mobile, but have been on travel and busy.  I will spend some time updating my journal there next.  Thanks for checking in with me when I hadn't logged- what support and added accountability. 

I downloaded some new songs for my ipod touch  - been walking, rocking, and jogging to some 3 days grace, Five Finger Death Punch, Apocalyptica, Breaking Benjamin, Beastie Boys, and old school Notorious B.I.G..  Lovin' it.  Music is life, I love music - its mood, lyrics, energy.  What are some of your favorite workout songs?


  1. LMFAO - Party Rock Anthem......whenever I need that boost when I'm on the run, I play

  2. Awesome gains!! I found a cool site that you can match up songs by beat per minute to your jogging 'speed'.
    it is pretty cool.

  3. Yeah!!! I too need some new music. That's on my plan before I get back into my jogging and new schedule running. I have great walking/jogging music but need a bit more up beat.
    Keep up the great work. Take care and God Bless!!
