Thursday, March 1, 2012

Upcoming Trips including a 5k

March 10-13 trip to North Dakota to see my sister!  She has an ultrasound on 3/12, so maybe I will get to go and see miracle baby!  :)

March 16-18 Reunion with college friends at our old stomping grounds!  There have been a lot of changes to the campus and we are excited to go see it and attend a Native American Alumni Dinner.  They've been talking a lot about drinking green beer that weekend.  It doesn't appeal to me, is that bad or is that progress?  I haven't drank alcohol since the end of December.  The one exception was February 1, which was our date night with champagne.  I'm a party girl at heart, but I wonder if the booze is really worth it?  Worth the calories, bloat, and belly fat?  Interesting to see how that weekend plays out!
*Last year, I skipped this Alumni dinner because I was too embarrassed for my old friends to see me.  This year, I'll be showing up with bells on!

March 20-25 work conference in Albuquerque, New Mexico

****Miracle baby niece or nephew will be born sometime during this period.  Due date is April 5!****

April 18-22 Las Vegas for my 30th birthday on 4/21

May 9 All Day Concert Event: Marilyn Manson with Buckcherry, Volbeat, Hellyeah, Clutch, The Pretty Reckless

May 24  Rob Zombie concert with Megadeth and Volbeat

May 25-29 Mini family reunion for Memorial Day
*A picture of myself from last year's Memorial Day reunion was the picture that made me cry.  It was a huge turning point for me.  I'll wrangle up the same people to sit on the very same park bench to take a pic this year.  The difference will be like night and day!! :)  PROGRESS!

June 1-3 High School Friends Reunion and Golf tournament
*Last year, I went and helped with the registration for the memorial golf tournament, but then left as soon as I possibly could.  I skipped the other weekend events, again.... out of shame of what I looked like.  Not this year!

June 10-15 Washington DC Work Conference

July 12-16 Washington State Trip (#7 on my 30x30).  I'll also be doing the See Jane Run 5k that weekend in Seattle.
*I hope to find 2-3 other 5k's to do before this one in July.  See Jane Run looks like a lot of fun to me.  The 'celebration expo' has chocolate tastings and champagne, what's not to love?!  :)

July 26-29 Kansas for the Leadsled Spectacular Car Show!  It's a fabulous car show and in one of my favorite locations - Salina, Kansas.  I lived there a couple years and really enjoyed it, I have some great friends there.

I'm so happy these days, sometimes I do wonder when something 'bad' might happen.  In the meantime, I just keep being me, stick to my goals and focus on my health.  The rest seems to be falling into place.  Funny what a positive attitude can do for a girl.

I am worried about the booze thing though.  I'm not making it 'no booze in March' as a goal - but I also know it doesn't seem worth allowing it to wreak havoc on my progress.  Progress has been solid since January for a number of reasons, cutting the alcohol was one of them.  I guess I'll figure it out as I go.......


  1. So glad you mentioned the 5K in Seattle! I live in Seattle and have been looking into races to run to give me some extra motivation and I'll have to put this one on my possibilities list. Thanks!

  2. sounds like you have a great list of upcoming trips!! enjoy each and every one of them to the fullest!!

  3. Alcohol has to go if you want to be successful long term. A lot of damage can be done in just a couple of days. When you get home and see the scale will it be worth it? I know I had to get rid of the wine in the house. I couldn't seem to hold it to one glass, then I drank the bottle, then I wanted to eat (and did). I would rather lose the weight than drink the wine. Being around people who are drinking and not joining in will be a super human accomplishment but maybe you could ask for some help from those you will be with?

  4. *Last year, I skipped this Alumni dinner because I was too embarrassed for my old friends to see me. This year, I'll be showing up with bells on!


  5. So cool on the concerts, I would love to see those shows... especially Marilyn Manson & Rob Zombie! Awesome on the 5K, it's so cool that you can take part in one while you are in another state I would love to do that... if I traveled moreL:-) You are doing awesome, the drinking can be a deterrent so be strong:-)

  6. Seattle! Yes! Just looked up that run, I think I'll register for the 5K.

    Ps, I get so giddy when you comment on my blog, like a celebrity is commenting!

  7. The See Jane Run in Seattle is fun. I did the 5K last year and I am thinking of doing the half this year. The course for the 5K is an out and back and can be a bit crowded so just a warning.

  8. Wow - what a whirlwind schedule, all packed with fun times, friends and many great progress photos!! By the way, have the pants come off the refrigerator yet? You are doing so great - I can see the smiling in this post - the excitement - the anticipation of that next great goal!! Your 2012 is turning out to be super Swell!!!


  9. Ahh you have so many great things to look forward to! I love that, when you have great plans, and they just come one after one :D

  10. Great plans for the first part of the year and I bet you can't wait until that baby is here! On the booze front, I think if you can sit at work drinking juice for 10 days while everyone else is eating all kinds of foods, you'll be able to say no to the booze or at least stop after just one drink. Like you said, are the calories really worth it?

  11. Wow, lots of cool things to look forward too!

    Rob Zombie concert with Megadeth supporting will be AWESOME!
