Monday, March 5, 2012

It is Day Ten

Tomorrow, I can chew.  Tomorrow, I can chew.  Tomorrow, I can chew.

Juice fast is awesome!  I do miss chewing though?!  Is that stupid or what?  What is it that I get to chew? Well, breakfast will be almond milk and Syntha 6 protein powder, lunch will be organic iceberg lettuce with Walden Farms Ranch dressing, a boiled egg, pineapple, red onion and shaved carrots.  I have decided I didn't work this hard to start putting total crap back in my body.

Last fall, I did a 10 day 'fruits, veggies, raw almonds, herbal tea' self-challenge.  It was just something I had on my 30x30 list to see if I could do it.  I did it, I rocked that shit out.  Then you know what I did the next day?!  I ate pizza, cheetos, and some other total crap!  I have had to do a lot of talking to myself about how this is for health overall and it's not the cry baby 'deprivation' that dieters talk about.  This is me getting stronger, healthier, adding years to my life to spend with my friends and family!

I fought hard with boredom and mild depression eating this weekend.  I had no choice, because I wasn't going to give up on my 10 day commitment.  Knowing James is gone and really cold, crappy weather had me stuck inside most of the time.  I re-arranged my home office and living room.  When bored and unable to eat, move heavy shit around in your house.  You'll appreciate the distraction and the re-styled look!! :)

Some of my fave juices:
carrot, cucumber, green apple

green apple, kale, celery, cucumber (my green machine!)

carrot and apple!  Yum!!

celery, carrot, pear

pear, strawberry, celery

**I add either celery, carrot, or cucumber to almost every juice because it gets the most juice out.  I add kale to every single juice, I put spinach in but it doesn't get that much juice.  Kale gets a decent amount, especially when you put a cucumber or celery in afterwards to finish juicing it and get all the green goodness out of the machine.   I add 1 small meyer lemon to almost every juice (not the sweeter ones like carrot & pear).

I'll be eating a lot of carrots!  I found 2 pound bags of organic carrots on sale for $1.39 this weekend.  I bought 3 bags.  6 pounds of carrots is a lot, but they do have a longer fridge life than most veggies.  I can juice and freeze the juice if I need to.  I couldn't pass that deal up though!

The pounds lost......... stay tuned because I'm gonna rock your world tomorrow with my weigh-in!! :)


  1. Love your positivity, woo hoo! I'm severely impressed, 10 days!!!!!

  2. You are making me want to do this! (sort of)...

  3. so excited for the weigh in !! you rock. ive been doing no sweets for 13 days now and i feel like im some sort of rock star for that and I could NEVER do juice for that long. i REALLY like to chew. aha. AHHH cant wait for your weigh in but no matter what the scales says you are doing so amazingggg!

  4. Can't wait to hear about your weigh-in!!! Great job on sticking with the juice fast!!

  5. We are pretty similar people Ellie! I re-arrange everything in my house too when I'm totally bored. I put on some loud tunes, usually with plenty of swearing in the songs, and I move shit everywhere and throw out everything until the room looks like paradise.

    Today is Chews-Day (haha!) Make good choices!

  6. "When bored and unable to eat, move heavy shit around in your house." Oh Lordy, that just made me snort coffee all over the keyboard!!

  7. Wow! Congratulations!

    Not only because you did that buc because you found courage to make a decision about that! ;-)

    Best regards,

  8. You are indeed going to rock that weigh in! I can´t wait to see the results!

  9. that's it girl -- stand your ground & keep on rockin' it!

    you are my juicy hero!! :D


  10. I can understand how you would miss chewing. I certainly would. Looking forward to reading about your loss!,

  11. How amazing that you stuck to this for 10 days. That is just amazing to me! I why you would miss chewing though .. that's the best part. ;)

  12. Kudos on the 10 days! 5 days for me and I chewed so it wasn't tough but towards the end I was wanting a little meat. When I finally ate some it wasn't all that great and I decided it was more the habit that I missed or something. You know, dinner is usually where I have a meat and I wasn't so I guess that habit was missed. I did lose some gainage plus a pound so I was pretty happy about that. I know what you mean though about not wanting to eat bad stuff after to ruin all the hard work! Can't wait to hear how you did:-)

  13. Good for you, Ellie! You have unbelievable self control - I couldn't have done it. :-)

  14. High five! How are you feeling - outside the boredom - body wise?

  15. WTG! I can't wait to hear how it worked out scale wise. I just kno what your rocked it.
