Friday, February 10, 2012

Food Poisoning = Not Cool.

Yesterday I had to leave work early because my body was revolting against some enchiladas I had for lunch.  Serves me right I guess.

I have nothing to say, I'm sitting here half awake, very dehydrated and haven't eaten for 24 hours except 1 orange last night for supper.  I have already drank 80 ounces of water and it is 11:59am.

Yesterday afternoon, evening, and last night was HORRIBLE.

The trip to the baptism on Sunday is a 4 hour drive, so I had taken this afternoon off and planned to go.  I am still so sick, that I have changed my travel plans and will not leave until tomorrow morning.  That pretty much sucks because it shortens the amount of time I get to see my bestie and my little baby Ellie.  Now it's a whirlwind trip instead of a little weekend away.  I'm too sick and dizzy to be driving and why the fuck am I at my office?

Bet you this will add to a loss this week.  That's one way to go about it!!!!


  1. Oh no, go home and get better! I hope you are feeling better for the baptism and the long drive to get there...

  2. Enchilada cheater! I guess you were saying Enchil AAAaaah da! Even in this context. The word enchilada makes me want one. lol I mean that if I could visualize the food that makes me fat swimming in a pool of barf or worse...would I have more willpower?

    1. In this context, it should not make anyone want an enchilada! You are so funny sometimes. I will definitely have more willpower against stupid crap in the future. Hmm, salad or chicken enchilada plate with salad, pico de gallo, chips and blueberry dessert - oh, yeah I'll take the enchilada plate please! (I gave the dessert away, but I guess I should have given away 'the whole enchilada' plate. I feel like death warmed over.

  3. Well I am certainly not hungry for enchiladas after this. So sorry something you enjoy made you so sick. Nothing to do but what you're doing. I hope you enjoy whatever time you spend with your baby this weekend.

  4. Oh no! I'll pass on my tummy wisdom to ya: Alka-Selzter. It's like fizzy magic and I swear NOTHING has ever help me feel better than it whether it be flu or food poisoning. Fell better soon.

  5. oh ick --- i had food poisoning once & literally begged to be shot in the head because it SUCKED sooooo bad!

    go home & get on the mend!!!!

    and i concur -- alka-seltzer does WONDERS!!!


  6. So sorry that you are not feeling well. Hope you are well enough to travel tomorrow! If not, stay your self at home and rest! And keep hydrating!

  7. Oh Miss April! :( Hope you are feeling better by now & that you are able to enjoy your weekend. Safe travels!

  8. Oh nooo!! I hope you get better super fast! Hugs!

  9. aww man i had a loss due to sickness this week too. it blows! hope you get well soon love!

  10. Oh man. Poor Ellie. Hope you feel better soon!

  11. I hope you get better soon and the baptism goes well!
