Saturday, January 7, 2012

I've been Tagged!

The gorgeous Cyn and the adorable Bailey have both tagged me.  I can't think of anything to blog about really and I'm up bored on a Saturday morning so - here goes nothing!
here are the rules:
1. post these rules.
2. you must post 11 random things yourself.
3. answer the ques­tions the tag­ger set for you in their post.
4. cre­ate 11 new ques­tions for the peo­ple you tag to answer.
5. go to their blog and tell them that you've tagged them.
6. no stuff in the tag­ging sec­tion about ‘you are tagged if you are read­ing this.’ blah blah blah, you legit­i­mately have to tag 11 peeps!

11 Random Things:
1. My Christmas tree is still up and it is January 7th.  Pathetic!
2. I love Kenra & Paul Mitchell hair products.  :) Big fuckin hair rocks!
3. I love eating and making casseroles - everything is already in it.  Not separate meat, veg, etc..  All in one!  Need healthy variations, if you have any.
4. I finally got the book, "The Secret".  The one that Oprah and the whole country and world went nutso about.  Recently, it had been recommended to me yet again so I decided to give it a whirl.  Kelly is also reading it and I adore her, so I figured it can't be that bad.
5. I love burning incense in my house.  I had done it all the time at my previous apartment and after about a year, a friend of mine asked if I smoked pot.  She was under the impression that only potheads used incense?  Crazy girl.
6. I am thinking about my future, my sister's miracle baby, my job, etc.. One reason why I don't want to leave my current job is that this job has a large budget for travelling.  Other Social Work agencies don't have that kind of money for travel - I'd hate to lose out on networking at conferences across the country.  Is that selfish or what!
7. "Hope" is my favorite word/thought.  I have a few items of home decor that says Hope on it and it's also on my Christmas tree.  Without hope, what is there?
8. I haven't used table salt to sprinkle on my food for about 3 years.  My Doctor talked to me about my high blood pressure, I changed a lot of habits.  I use black pepper like a maniac and salt food while cooking for taste, but that's it.  Most foods are too salty for me and when I see people dumping salt all over their food, I just want to punch them.
9. My favorite date is a coffee shop.  You actually get to visit, the music in the background is always chill and awesome, I love coffee.  I don't understand movies as first dates - when do you talk?  Dinner is good, but coffee shop dates are the BEST.
10. I am researching Juicers and think I will be buying one of my big purchases for January.  :)  Breville juice fountain plus seems to be the winner!
11. I am happy that NFL football will be over soon - people are too crazy and talk too much crap about it on Facebook and it annoys the hell out of me.  Isn't Super Bowl soon so that means it's over, right?  Please!

Cyn asked these questions:
  1. what is your middle name & the story behind it? I don't really have one.  I always think its funny that so many people ask this question and I don't have an answer! :)
2. what is the best concert/show you have ever been to? Either Foo Fighters or Rob Zombie, both were so rockin and kick ass.  Zombie I've seen twice and both were totally epic.
3. favorite perfume/body spray? Burberry Weekend!
4. would you ever have plastic surgery & if so what would you have done? After the weight loss, yes.  Probably something to the tummy or like Runs for Cookie's lower body lift.  I am also losing a lot of the fullness of my boobs and I am worried they're going to look all jacked up and sagged out - forget that!  I would definitely have surgery to lift, fill and perk them little babies right back up. 
5. what is your biggest fear? Snakes!  I effin' hate snakes!
6. who do think is the most annoying celebrity right now? I don't keep up with pop culture bullshit.  I don't understand why some people are famous like the Kardashians or those Jersey Shore people.  I mean, really?  I also think they are a horrible influence on our young people.
7. who is the funniest person you know? my ex.  Yeah, I know.  But really, I could laugh 24 hours a day with him.  We both have a sick sense of humor too, so yeah.... :)  Good times.
8. favorite disney princess? Cinderella!  or Ariel in the Little Mermaid, if she counts as a Princess.
9. someone (other than spouse/partner) that just melts your butter big time? Chef Michael Symon. Don't laugh!  I don't know why, but I just love him.  He's totally not usually my look, I never go for old white bald guys... but I love his smile, his eyes and oh my gosh - his laugh is amazing.  I like his attitude and personality.  Mostly his smile and laugh, they make me melt.  Watch him on Iron Chef or one of the other shows and wait for his laugh and smile - it's a little amazing. 
10. favorite form of exercise? Walking. Simple.  Thinking time.  Playlist.  Not a care in the world.  Walking!
11. what is your dream profession? Well, this is a tough one.  I can tell you that with two Bachelor's degrees and one Master's degree - I have no idea what I want to be when I grow up.  I like being in Administration, which is what I do now.  I am the boss over a grant program that I contract the work out for.  I see the flaws in the set-up though and would like to improve it.  I think that is part of what I've always done is look for ways to improve things within agency systems.  I'd like to be some kind of consultant that agencies or businesses call in when things go sideways.  I can study their organizational leadership and behavior, staffing patterns, human capital, etc. and make recommendations on how to improve it.  I'm kind of a wicked smart bitch like that.  If it's not effective, clean the mess up and move on with a successful program.  That really is my dream job.  :)  One day it might just come true!

Bailey J asked these questions:
1. why is your favorite color your favorite color? Red.  It's sexy, sassy, confident and classic.  For clothing, decor, accessories.  I love red!
2. have you ever been in trouble with the law? A couple questionings, never an arrest.  I also got lucky as hell to not be charged with serious crimes on 2 occasions.  Fuck, I cringe just thinking about it.
3. if you could go one place in the entire world for one week, free of charge, where would you go? London!
4. if you could take one person with you, who would it be? My sister, of course!
5. if there was one disease you could cure (that doesn't already have one, clearly) what would it be? why? Cancer sucks.
6. what is your guilty pleasure? For food it is cherry cheesecake.  For time wasting it is lying in bed reading books all day. Combine the two and you have a happy fat April!
7. what is your least favorite acronym or.. whatever those things are called? (ie : wtf, btw, lol, lmfao, ftw) smh?  Shaking my head?  Is that what it means, I hate it.
8. would you rather have 12 toes or a hugeee nose? Toes.
9. who was your favorite backstreet boy? I didn't have one because I was a rock chick even back them, never listened to boy bands. 
10. what is the one electronic device you wouldn't miss at all? Toaster. 
11. if i want to be your lover, do i gotta get with your friends? Make it last forever, friendship never ends!  Bailey, you are a silly girl.

11 People I'm Tagging
1. Dawniepants
2. Jen
3. Frankie
4. Chubby
5. Colie
6. Nanette
7. Tim
8. Hyla
9. Becca
10. Rochelle
11. D

11 Questions:
1. What are your all time favorite songs? 1-3 choices and why?
2. Who is your favorite author and/or book?
3. What is a word that you dislike and wish would be abolished from the human language? (I shudder at the word "kiddos" to refer to children, it just sounds stupid and creepy to me...)
4. What is your dream job/career/profession?
5. Do you have a particular tradition on your birthday?
6. What is your dream vacation spot?
7. What is your biggest nerd trait or habit, if any? (I read newspapers front to back and I also count letters in sentences when I'm talking to people.)
8. Do you believe in ghosts and/or spirits?  Any encounters/hauntings?
9. From the time you get out of bed until you get out the door for the day to work or wherever... how long does it take you?  Shower, dress, make-up, coffee, etc..?
10. Did you have a childhood toy, teddy bear, etc. that was your fave and what was its name?
11. Did you make 2012 Resolutions and what are the top two?

Oh my goodness, that took forever!  It was fun though and actually got me thinking about a few things.  For the 11 I tagged, you don't have to play along and I won't be offended.  It is always fun to learn a little more about our fellow bloggers.  Random facts are fun. 

Happy Weekend everyone!


  1. Having your tree up still is not pathetic, think about how long before Christmas people have their trees up, you should be able to keep it up that long after, right?

    Ariel IS a princess! You should watch the Little Mermaid again ;)

  2. haha i love this! i friggen HATE snakes too -- seriously am frozen in terror scared of them!
    brian didn't believe i was that afraid of them until jackass brought a baby garter snake in the house & i cried for an hour in fear! now he knows... lol!
    and michael symon? hahaha -- funny thing is we were watching him the other day & i googled him because i was curious about his ethnicity.

    thanks for playing along -- you rock balls!

  3. I try and avoid all the celebrity stuff too. I can't be bothered with it all because it's so boring and pointless. Why people really care about what the Kardashians are up to, i'll never know. For the record, I don't even know what the Kardashians even look like, i've heard the name and think it's also a TV show???? but if they walked up to me and asked me for the time, they would be complete strangers to me.

    By the way, thanks! I've now got spice girls stuck in my head now!!

  4. woohoo thanks for giving me something to blog about in the mean time... lol.

    hey did you mean to tag 3 and 4 as the same link?

  5. My word, that's quite a jam packed post! :)

    I'm with you -- I love walking. It's natural and requires no equipment. And, it doesn't make you look like a total weirdo. haha

  6. I love reading stuff like this! I had a favorite Backstreet Boy but that name comes with me to my grave! :D

  7. Great answers....thanks for the read, and not tagging me.....hahahaha

  8. Thanks so much for the tag, I'm going to follow this up when I get home, is that ok? I hate blogging on the iPad and will read all this through properly when I have a computer with me again :-)
