Monday, January 23, 2012

Blogger still sucks

I'm unable to read a lot of blogs that I adore!  I click on the Title of the post and nothing happens.  I click on the Blog Title (usually person's name or whatever) and then the page loads, but only for about 10 seconds, then it goes white.  This has been happening for about 10 days.  It used to be I just couldn't comment, but now I can't read the blogs at all!  What the heck?!  Anyone else?

Ok, back to work.  It's seriously hectic here.  The good news is I booked a work related trip to a conference in the beautiful Albuquerque, New Mexico for March!  YES!!!! 


  1. i have been having the exact same problem -- so much so i bailed on blogger & am not on wordpress with my own domain! frig this shit... lol!

  2. I haven't had any problems recently but I don't use IE anymore; when I did, there was always an error message that would pop up or I couldn't see the blogs. I've had a couple of folks I know that use IE have a problem with blogger and commenting. Although Blogger has been making quite a bit of changes that I've heard are affecting many users.

  3. YES!!! Thats exactly what happens to me to!! Now i,m commenting on hubby's ipad...very time consuming!!!

  4. stop lying ... you're too busy for us and are abandoning us... come clean.... (lol) KIDDING of course... i'm not sure what bloggers going through but for me it keeps telling me I am not following any blogs.. no matter how many times I reload the page... finally got it to show up tonight so Im catching up on all that I can <3

  5. I haven't had any problems. What browser are you using? I commonly use firefox (a few glitches with blogger) and chrome (smooth sailing so far).

    I hope it magically starts working for you.

  6. Same here!!!!!! Driving me NUTS!

  7. I haven't had any problems. I read from my blogger dashboard and it is working well. Is that where you are reading from?

  8. Maybe you have an adblock or a no script sort of thing or your firewall... meh - I am prob talking out my rearend. But maybe?

    I haven't had problems but a while back I could not comment. I was having a no script problem.

    I use Firefox.

    Woot for perfectly timed trips to NM.

  9. I have had lots of problems too. But it is working for me today, when it wasn't yesterday. I erased my cookies and browsing history in hopes that will help some.

  10. Yours just did the same thing, I am surprised it let me comment. For some reason, when I clicked on your blog, it opened in a small window and it works, when I try to open it for the full page screen, it freezes. I've been having the same problem, glad to know it's blogger and not my computer! It's annoying!

  11. It's the same for me. I either have to read it in google reader (then can't comment) or on my phone...but it's only some blogs...not weird and irritating

  12. I can comment and see your blog! LOL

  13. Ahhhhh man! Kelly is one of the blogs I never get to read anymore, not since about 10 days. Someone tell her, lol. I miss your sweaty, beautiful face Kelly! :)

  14. I haven't had any problems yet! Hope you get fixed up soon :)

  15. I occasionally have the problem, usually clearing my IE cache helps. Also if you just back up to the blog and not directly to the post it helps.

  16. I can comment, I can read - yeah!!! What did you do - Pop Up or Full page...been happening with those that use Internet Explorer...change your comment options - get rid of embedded. Thanks April !!! I can read you again!!!


  17. I usually read using google reader. It can get kind of annoying when I want to comment though so half the time I am hitting the page anyway.
