Monday, January 23, 2012

Winner, Winner, Chicken Dinner

So busy at work today I didn't even have time to blog this morning!  WTF?!

Ok, so I felt guilty wishing I had 30 water bottles to give out... but, that just was not going to happen.  However, I did snag another one on sale, so there will be two winners.  I love shopping all weekend, so fun. 

1. Taryn
2. Tim

Really, guys?  Nobody in the United States won?  You couldn't have commented 1 second before them so you were the winner?  Haha, this should be interesting.  I asked my sister about int'l shipping, because she used to ship huge packages to Germany all the time and she said it's not that bad.  So, we shall see.  So, foreigners/winners - just email me your info and eventually you shall receive a water bottle and pack of replacement filters.  I guess hit me up in 6 months for replacement filters because your country doesn't have them?  LOL.  By then, you should be far into the habit of hydration and all will be well in the world!

My email address is listed over there somewhere by my profile pic, and notice that it has two 'L's in it.  I often don't get emails that people send because they only put one L.  Mmmmkay?

Thanks for entering.  Maybe next time?  ;) 


  1. Yay! I'll email you now.

    I just posted a blog post about trying to drink more water. This is perfect timing!! I never win anything EVER so I am over the moon!

  2. haha this is exactly why i didn't enter. i was like.. ia m not making her pay for int'l shipping but I suppose canada would've been a little closer! aha. congrats to the winners - esp my bro tim!
