Tuesday, January 24, 2012

30x30 list update

Updated where I am on the goals:


I took on a lot for a year's time.... maybe I can do a 31 by 31 when I'm done?  Haha, yeah right!

Also, Kelly.... If you read this post, I haven't seen your blog in ages!  Miss you.  Blogger hates me!


  1. I noticed your doing your genealogy. That's something I definitely want to do. Have you discovered any interesting relations or stories?

    I'm related to a woman who was once the tallest woman in the world! That's our family claim to fame :)

  2. For your #5, you might be able to find some of those DVDs or CDs or books at your local library that teach you basic Spanish. Or you can use google translate and type in a phrase, translate it to Spanish and have it "read" it to you. It's one easy and cheap way. :)

  3. April - ;:-( I don't know what's going on with Blogger. I can see your blog!
