Wednesday, November 16, 2011

goals update

Goals for this week:

  1. Go to the free clinic workout room 3x after work, for 1 hour each time
I went on Tuesday, I am going again today and will go again on Thursday or Friday.
  1. Drink 90 ounces of water a day (Seriously, I quit drinking water a week ago....)
No problem.  Finally used to it again too.  I love it!  I forgot how much a person has to run to the bathroom when drinking 100 ounces of water a day.  TMI - My pee is clear again, so that's a good thing.  It hasn't been during my 10 day hiatus from water.  Gross. 
  1. Buy groceries today for the work week and plan my meals out, prepare and pack.
I didn't go on Monday as planned, I was home getting ready for a date with my fantasy man.  I hope to go tomorrow on my lunch break.  Dinner is out again tonight with Man of my dreams.  Breakfast has been coffee and a Special K bar.  Lunch has been eating out..... no comment.  Supper has been eating out, fairly balanced meals. 
  1. Do my 30 minutes of allowed time for walking at work for at least 3 days this week (Haven't done that in 5 weeks........)
I went today.  That means I have to do it Thursday and Friday to meet the goal
  1. Wear make-up for three days this week & do my hair (I seriously look like shit at work every day lately)
Done Mon, Tues, Weds.... I think this goal is easy now that I'm back in the routine, plus.... James. :)
  1. Finish reading my current fiction book (been working on it for over a month, a book takes me a day or two usually)
I have only read one chapter this week, I have about 6 left.  Still hope to finish it.  Maybe tomorrow at work, bwahaha!
  1. Finish reading the Spark. Order another book about the weight topic from Amazon so it is here by the time I finish this one
I have not continued reading this at all this week.  Back on the bandwagon, it is a great book from what I've read so far!
  1. Go tanning 2x this week
I will have to go during my lunch break, which I don't like.  The small town hair salon is the place with the tanning beds and they're only open until 6pm.  The free gym is also only open until 6pm.  I can't do both, so I will be back on schedule with bringing my lunch and I can do it then.  This goal will not be met this week, and I really wanted it to be.  It was a little pick me up, me time.... time to go in and clear my brain and dream about lollipops under crazy lights and be all warm and toasty.  I could go tomorrow, but Friday I have to sit in on interviews all day.  I'm losing my tan and I don't like it! 

*This list re-numbered itself to all be #1, whatev, Blogger.  I was doing a mental check list of my goals, but figured I'd just write a post, mostly for self serving purposes so I could see how on track I'm staying.  I have been a lunatic for so long now that it's been impossible to keep this a priority.

My court hearing today was continued, meaning they don't have enough evidence to proceed.  Really, assholes?  The court also had to let two obviously guilty individuals out of jail (totally different case, nothing to do with my situation) because the Police Department didn't do their reports.  Are you effin kidding me?  "To Serve and Protect"...... not so much in this Shit town.  I hate this limbo.  I'm so over it.

I saw James again last night for our second date and sleepover.  More delicious kisses and cuddles.  We only slept from like 2-6am on Monday night, so last night we were asleep by 10pm.  Ha.  I will see him again tonight.  He will be at the bar with the guys for 'happy hour'.  I have to go workout, shower and doll up, so i said I would be there around 7pm again.  I was like, 'Are you sure?  You can just give me a holler when you're done or I can see you Thursday.'.  He said, 'No, come  meet the guys.  They've been asking who kidnapped me the last two nights, come hang out.'.   Sure thing, sweetness!!  :)


  1. Awwww so happy for you with James! And awesome goals - you go girl!

  2. I am glad you are fitting in working out and James. He sounds like a good guy who you have things in common with. Can't wait to hear more everyday. :-)

  3. Ummm I have been out of the loop for WAYYY TOO LONG. I must hear all about this James!!

  4. Seems like you're doing really good right now, Ellie! Yay! Keep it up!

  5. okay yay for working towards all those goals -- but super YAY about james (such a good name btw). you deserve some sweetness is your life without a doubt!

  6. Sometimes karma can be a wonderful thing! It sounds like wonderful stuff is happening these days and I'm glad. I'm really enjoying living vicariously reading your stories about James!!

  7. Woo Hoo! on the James thing. Seems like it is going great. I love that you're still doing what you need to do to stick to your healthy goals, even with James in the picture now. Keep that up! Sometimes us girls get a bit crazy when a boy is involved and we lose sight of our personal goals. Don't ever put yourself second ... keep yourself a priority! :)

  8. Looks like you're doing well on the goals! :)

  9. WOW girl. I just caught up from just a day or so ago. WOW!!! I am impressed and so happy for you. You do so deserve all of this. Just go with the flow, do what feels good and best and let the chips fall where they may. All is good.
    Get those workouts in, keep eating right and you will wow your man into the net century. HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY for you!!
    Take care and GodBless!!

  10. You know I am in your corner. And I hope this James is as wonderful as he sounds. Cause, if he's not, he's going to have to answer to a whole lot of us who care about you! :)
