Tuesday, November 15, 2011

The Date.... :)

So, last night I went out for dinner with the man of my dreams, James.  See previous post if you don't know how I met this amazing creature.  He is God's gift to women.  *He doesn't do Facebook, so I can't think of a clever way to get a picture, but believe me - I'm working on it.  I would find it awkward to say, 'Hey, can I take a picture of your amazing sexiness to post on my blog for all the world to see?  You might as well let me, we are soul mates ya know?'.  Yeah, not going to do that any time soon.

So! I met him at the steak house at 7pm.  He is in town working with a construction crew.  He is actually a welder and hates working with the building crew.   He refused coming down here for like a week then his boss told him he pretty much had to.  He called up my friend/his cousin last week and said he was in town, so they reconnected.  (All to my benefit!)  He will be working in this town for 3-4 months, working on the school addition.  He doesn't have his own vehicle here, just the work truck, which the guys all have to share.  So his hotel is right by the steak house, so I guess that's why he suggested we meet there. 

I got there and he was inside having a drink, we had texted because I was running late so I already knew that.  When I walked in, he looked even hotter than he did earlier that day (as if that was possible).  He smiled and started singing 'There she is, Miss America!!!'.  WHAT?!?!  We went and got a table, I ordered a drink and we visited.  I was so nervous because of his hotness I messed up like three sentences, I am usually a great conversationalist I swear.  Dinner, a couple drinks and some delicious conversation lasted about 3 hours at the restaraunt!  How cool is that?! 

He is ridiculously smart!  We talked a lot about books and most of all, one of my favorite topics, Native American History.  If you look on this profile, some of the books listed there are some of the best reads on the subject, he has read nearly all of them.  I am Native (Sioux), but he is a white boy.  He just studied the subject out of curiosity and genuine interest.  We also talked about travel, welding, Vegas, pumpkins (yes, I said pumpkins), cars and car shows (He is amazed at how much I know about street rods and custom hot rods!) and a few other subjects. 

We went outside and it was COLD.  He walked me to my car and then said he was off to his humble abode and pointed at the hotel.  He said he'd invite me back to his room, but his workmate might not appreciate it or if he did appreciate it, then James wouldn't appreciate that he appreciated it.  Ha, he was hilarious.  We had the best kiss ever (enter chorus of angels singing!).  We were making plans to see each other again today and then I said, 'I am freezing, lets just get in the car'; so we got in my car.  We both agreed we didn't want this night to end, so we went back to my house. 

I was in the other room pouring wine and I came back and he was checking out my CD collection.  He said, 'That's it - it's official.  You are THE coolest girl I have ever met in my life'.  We stayed up until about 1am talking about music, travel, our families, etc..  Oh yeah, he is 32 and is divorced (2 years) with a 4 year old daughter.  He seems like a really good Dad and just lit up when he was talking about his little girl.

We had a conversation that was literally all song lyrics and lines & laughing til I cried.  It was hilarious.  Remember how I always say "Music=Life"; he agrees.  At about 1:30am, I was like wow, it's late.  He said, I should call a cab.  I said, this is Podunk, there are no cabs.  He went and laid in my bed and said 'Guess you're stuck with me'.  I was thrown off at that point.  I started the racing thoughts... 'What am I doing?! I barely know this person! I need to take him back to his room and call it good.  He might think less of me. What is happening?!?! Ah to hell with it, you only live once... he's staying!'  I went and got ready for bed and came back in the room.  I said, 'I was a little crazy earlier today in Holly's truck, I sounded like a woman gone mad!'.  He said, 'just come here and relax'.  His movie star lips taste delicious, in case you were wondering.  That's all I found out.... so far.   

This morning, I made us coffee.  I brought him a fresh towel and even a toothbrush.  I'm a nice hostess like that, besides, he protected and held me all night... he deserved it.  He put his toothbrush in the holder next to mine because he said he hopes to be using it there again.  I said, I hope so too.  I took him back to his room at about 7:15am, I was at work at 7:30am and I've been on cloud nine ever since.  We see each other tonight at 7pm again. 

I want to be all logical and stuff, but I don't want to waste my brain on it.  I just want to feel from the inside for once and see what happens.  He can spend the night every night if he wants.

He texted me a bit ago and said he is glad his boss is a jerk and forced him to come down here, because it's all starting to make sense. 

He texted his cousin and of course she showed me the messages.  Sidenote - He surely realizes that if I am willing to tell her that a stranger wants to violate my body, she is going to show me the messages... that's what girls do.  Here's some of what he said to her:

"The date was great.  Shes really smart, like Superman smart."

"She is a vixen.  She knows what she wants and again, she's smart.  That is a little intimidating.  I was intimidated before she got there because of what she said in your truck - but now... the ante has been upped, again"

"I stayed with her last night but I don't kiss and tell.  Wait, did I just kiss and tell?  Shes your friend, ask her."

"She is just like me, but with boobs.  She's hardcore.  She's smart.  She's so witty, it took me like 8 hours to figure out one of the jokes she cracked last night and I've been dying for twenty minutes, it was so funny."

CRAAAAAAAAZY!!!!  I don't think it's normal to feel this way in just 24 hours, but I don't even care.  He left me wanting more and the countdown is on..... I'll see him soon.  The only thing that annoyed me is he is a crazy texter, he texts more than a teenage girl.  Seriously.  He's even texted me a lot this morning.  It's wonderful, but strange, esp for a guy.  Isn't it?  He texted a couple times last night, but not until we were back at my house - not once during dinner or that may have irritated me to a breaking point.  He also chewed with his mouth open, but only a couple times, so I didn't have to strangle him.  Seriously, I choke slam people who chew with their mouth open or smack their lips.  YUCK.


  1. Can I just say that I'm so seriously happy for you!?
    Is it also wrong to admit that I'm a teensy bit jealous also?!
    Go get yours, girl. =)

  2. I am so happy for you-I can't wait to see this story unfold.

  3. Magical. Sounds great. No guy is perfect. For now overlook his habits that annoy you while you wait to know him better.

  4. Just wanted to let you know that Mer and I shared your "car moment" together over the phone last night - we were laughing with delight!!! So embarrassing, but look at you - got to have a date and all...so happy that you had a wonderful Monday!!!

    Staying MOtivated MO

  5. Holy shit, I'm dreading going out on a date with anyone. He's set the bar high lol!

    If I had to talk about the last book I read then it would have been about a guy who hitchhiked around ireland with a fridge. Yep, I have no hope in hell.

  6. Such a great post. There is NOTHING more exciting than the beginning of a new relationship. Can't wait to see how it all unfolds. (so glad I found your blog when I did!)

  7. I'm Jelly! I love this part... all the fresh new bits of meeting someone that you are attracted to. Fun!

  8. Yeah, I can't stand the smacking issue either. Seriously. HATE it.

    Ok, this is sounding quite interesting. Is he an angel fallen from Heaven just for you? I'm off to read MORE!

  9. I hope it all works out; he sounds like a keeper and I hope and pray he is! When I went on my first date with hubby, I felt like I had known him my whole life, like we were meant to be together. Sometimes it's just right. :)

  10. I'm so glad you had a great time!!

  11. It's karma April, you deserve awesome & sounds like you found it:-) With all you are going through its good that you found a little peice of heaven to let you know that all is not bad. As for texting like a girl.... my boyfriend did that in the beginning too & we are also pretty much soul mates so maybe it's a good sign... it means he too feels that connection & wants to make sure you do too maybe:-). So happy for ya.... I actually got teary as I read cause I was so glad some good came to ya:-)

  12. Love everything about this post!! I am so freaking happy that you are happy!!!

  13. Oh my gosh that is so freakin' awesome! So excited for you girl! I hope your next meet up goes even better. Details...we want details!

  14. I squealed like a 10 year old girl over hanson while reading this post! He sound amazing! You def gotta sneek us that pic lol

  15. oh man!!! texting too much doesn't exist... keep that line of communication open as long as possible! This is so freaking exciting! Yes! You need to post photos! :)

  16. cute, very cute, he sounds lovely, very happy for you

  17. Whoo hoo!!! From a week ago bummed to being elevated by this...I am happy for this change in your life.
