Sunday, October 23, 2011

Challenge Update

Weight 10-18-11: 262.5
Today: 262

Yeah, I don't know.... Dude, the scale was a madhouse this week.  It was 262.5 when I first got back from vacation, then down one, then up two, then down one, then up FOUR.  Today it is down half pound after 3 days of cabbage soup?  What the fizzle?  That's what I get for my decisions in Las Vegas.... eeks.

I did check the scale by putting dumb bells on it, two 8 pounds, two 10 pounds... they always registered right on.  Maybe the damage on vacation was worse than 3.5 when it was all said and done and it all caught up with me mid-week.  Never again.  Never effin ever again. 

I do plan on posting some vaca pics, I have them all uploaded to my other computer though.  Will share this week sometime.

Getting back on the workout train was a slow process, but I've been pretty solid about it for 4 days, today will be my 5th.  It was Shred Level 1 and walking for the most part.  Somehow, harder workouts and strength training has gone out the window.  It's SO cold here, I hate it!

I have been having late night snack cravings.  I always make a cup of hot tea, come to my room to read a book for a while, then go to sleep.  While I'm reading lately, I start thinking about FOOD.  Twice I have gone into the kitchen, where I'm sadly reminded that I have no food other than yogurt and cabbage soup.  I ate a cup of yogurt two nights.  Why?  Stupid.  I didn't NEED it, I just wanted food all of a sudden at 11pm.  So, last night when I got cravings I made another cup of hot tea and drank a glass of water.  I did wake up with and have to rush to the bathroom because my bladder was going to explode - but that's better than wasting 100 calories on yogurt AND wasting the yogurt itself when it could be used as a snack at a much more appropriate time of the day.

Read 2-3 chapters of The Spark book for the challenge, I am really enjoying it.  It's not a book that should be spread out over a month or so, I do plan to finish it maybe this week or early next.  Def within the next 8 days or so.  I think it worked out that I delayed starting it, because it has been helpful to get me back on track after I let my decisions on my trip wreak havoc on my overall plan and mindset.

Also, stalker.  Your views went from 25 a day to about 17 - but you're still looking at my page a little excessively, don't ya think?!  Get a life, fuck hole.


  1. You CAN do it. You are strong and you can win...mind over body! I hope the cravings go away soon and you can start losing again!

  2. Cravings are hard to overcome, but you will if you just hang in there! :D

  3. I cant wait to see pics from your vacation!! Ive never been out west!!

    Does your soup have lots of salt in it? I have to be careful with the soup bases I get!
    Heres to a better week this week!!

  4. Cravings are a part of what we have to endure after we go on an overeating spree. Happens. Use your strategies. Keep yourself distracted. Read your inspirational book(s). And never give up. You will win!

  5. Hoping (and pretty confident)that a few more days back on the right track and trying to ignore those late night cravings will get you back to where you need to be. my cravings have been practically non existant until this week - my stupid period - and its such a hard battle but im doing okay. we can both do it! haha. thanks for the comment on my blog - super appreciate them, always! :)

  6. Yeah, that would suck royal to only have cabbage soup and yogurt as go to's. Wah! I drink tea with a splash of milk in it. Sometimes it kills that annoying voice screaming "feed me... hungy hungy eats" Yes. That is what is sez.

    You have a stalker? Maybe I should look at my stats. I would never know if I was being stalked. You can see that sorta stuff?

  7. BTW, I nearly died laughing at your puke comment! LOL!

  8. Just keep working hard, you can do this. I know you can!!
    Take care and have a great week. Blessings!!

  9. Stick with it. You will get past Vegas and more.

  10. Drink water it will help with the weight fluctuation and I know it is scary but up the healthy fats. They will make your body burn fat!

  11. Also the airtravel will cause you to retain water as well. Not sure why drinking more water helps but it does! more water and less salt!

  12. wow you can check stalker stats? who knew?

    travel fucks with your body -- give it another few days & things shouod be back to norm. but i still say 3.5 gain in vegas is awesome!!

  13. I like The Spark book too. It's definitely a little "motivational speaker" at times but maybe that's par for the course for diet books. Anything that inspires you a bit is worth it right? You're moving in the right direction, scale, exercise, and otherwise, so be proud of that! Looking forward to the vaca pics (not as much as stalker though, haha). :)

  14. Your stalker comment was awesome - LOL! I can't wait to see your vacation pics.

  15. The scale is a fickle fiend. Up for no apparent reason, even when you do everything 'right'. The trick is to not get caught up in her numbers and stay on track with your exercise, eating and tracking. You can do it!

  16. LMAO! Love the stalker message:-) It's hard to get back on track after being off for a little, I had this phantom hunger pangs too in the evenings. I just kept myself from going to the kitchen, it's downstairs & I don't keep snack type things either so it's not to hard to talk myself into saving the trip:-) it all goes away though as you do get back into the swing of things & you are well on the path:-)

  17. I understand about the cravings at night. Happens to me almost every single night. Most nights I just drink more fluids and deal with having to wake up several times to use the bathroom, some nights I give in and have some protein. Sometimes it helps, sometimes it doesn't. Our bodies are still getting used to our changes in behavior and, like any habit, it takes time to adapt to the changes. Keep strong, you'll get there. :)
