Friday, September 16, 2011

Time for #17 on my 30x30 list....

17. Consume only water and raw foods for 10 days straight

This is number 17 on my 30x30 list, it starts tomorrow Saturday 9/17/11!  It is modified though!!!  I will have tea instead of coffee in the AM and yes the tea will have caffeine - I'm a bitchy lunatic without caffeine.  The tea is still less acidic than coffee and seems more natural than coffee so I think it's legit - hey, I make the rules around here!

  I will eat nuts, fresh fruits & fresh veggies......... that's it!  I have this little (major) tonsil infection going on right now, so I will be cooking the veggies.  Swallowing hard broccoli at a time like this is just asking for torture and will probably end up making me quit.  So, #17 is modified, but will still be quite the challenge!  I will just parboil the broccoli and cauli.  I want to do this item on the list NOW because it is the end of summer and all of nature's bounty of fresh fruits.  I can still get delicious peaches, plums, nectarines, berries, watermelon and canatloupe.  Garden fresh veggies of REAL tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers and zucchini!  If I wait, it will be winter and my choices will be strawberries, apples and oranges.  I will def be eating those these 10 days, but not exclusively.... I like variety!  I will eat salads with no dressing, I'll just add some orange segments or berries for flavor and moisture - I do that a lot any way.  I was silly to not think I would need protein, so I bought a few bags of nuts today (not raw almonds or nuts because I don't live anywhere near that sells them and I also don't like the taste of them for the price you pay!).  Here goes nothing, starting tomorrow. 

For tonight's supper.... more soup and yogurt (boring!) because I am still very sick.  Went to the doc today, it isn't strep.  My tonsils look like cauliflower, according to him.  I'm pretty sure that can't be a good thing and it hurts like heck to swallow.  I guess I could make smoothies out of the fruits and veggies too, that's always an awesome way to get them in.  I'm excited to be taking this one off my list!!!  Nothing could be healthier than fresh fruits and veggies for 10 days, huh?  I bet I'll just FEEL better.


  1. Wow, that is an impressive challenge. I'm excited to hear how you feel after those 10 days. Hope your tonsils clear up soon. I know how much that hurts.

  2. Good luck! That sounds like a real challenge - I might try something like that over winter break ... I am now living in the land of perpetual summer, so I've got produce at the ready all year round. I couldn't do it now, though, while I'm working - what if I got grouchy or sick from it? haha

  3. Oh flip good luck! That is a toughie, stay strong with it and no doubt you will feel brilliant after it all!

  4. Good luck & I hope you start feeling better soon!

  5. Sounds like it will be a challenge, but you can rock it! Great way to close out the summer, with all those nice, fresh fruits & veggies. :) Hope you feel better soon!

  6. Great challenge to do! It sucks that you're still ill but maybe this is the type of challenge that might help your body get back to 100% by having lots of natural food going into you.

    Good luck! :)

  7. Awesome blog!! And I absolutely love your list! Thank you for the wonderful comment on my blog :D can't wait to hear about how you get on with your detox :)


  8. Stalk me any time baby ;) lol

    Im going raw this week too!!!! Tell me how it goes for you!!

  9. Sounds like an awesome plan! I hope you start feeling better soon. Being sick is not fun!

  10. Sounds like a great challenge. Interested in how it goes!

  11. You are the queen of challenges - this one sounds hard core! I am anxious to hear how it goes and what changes you notice as you go through it, and afterwards.
    That throat things sounds terribly painful....not the kind of "cauliflower" you had in mind, huh? Hope you are feeling better soon.

  12. Bitchy lunatic--- Me too but it's just my regular self, no caffeine needed. LOL!

    Sorry about your throat. Hope it's better soon!

  13. I like that too. It's a great idea and something I'd like to try. Now is a perfect time with all the goodies available. I really like this idea. Good luck April I know you will rock this.
    Take care and have a blessed weekend.

  14. hey, the linky is up on my blog for the christmas dress challenge, go over and link up your goal post!

  15. I just found your blog. I look forward to watching your progress!

    Keep focused!

  16. Some of your challenges are very interesting. I am curiouse to what the purpose if for each challenege. Are they really things you have alwasy wanted to do? or just things that you think are short enough but will spure weight loss? Just wondering. GL on yoru challeneg though! I am sure you can do it!

  17. Good luck. You can do it. Do you have a juicer. I have some great recipes. I also highly recommend homemade sweet potato chips. They r delish. I am goin to check in on you to see how it goes.

  18. Get well dear. So happy you are addressing your list! I could guzzle a gallon of tea...but probably not good for the heart.
