Saturday, September 10, 2011

this dress thing is hard to find!

I have been perusing sites for dresses, looking up images of 'plus size' girls in dresses, etc.  I love a lot of them.  I haven't picked one yet and may not even have it done by tomorrow.  The most difficult part?  Not having any idea what size I may be at the weight I get to.  I am 274 now, if in 14 weeks I lost 2 pounds a week that's 28 pounds, but I want to shoot for 30.  I wanted to say 34 to have my goal weight be a nice even number, but I have already lost a bit more than that in the last 12 week challenge and I know this time isn't going to be quite as quick.  If I weighed 244 pounds around the holidays, what size would that even be?  I can't imagine being that 'low' of a weight.  I know some people started their weight loss at 250 pounds thinking they were as big as the earth - my highest was 333 a couple years ago an 311 a few months ago when I really kicked it back into high gear.  I think when I get to 233 I am going to have a party, 100 pounds down from my highest ever.  I can't even imagine it and feel like it will never happen, but really - if it happens a year from now... it's not THAT long of a wait in the grand scheme of things.  It's not like I'm simply 'waiting' for it either - I'm working for it. Time will go by even faster as I am enjoying and living my life as I go!

Anyhow, I am looking for a dress.  I would love to wear a dress and not look pregnant in it, but I imagine at 244 I still will - oh well....... progress, not perfection.  Any good sites?  Maurices has some super cute dresses.  It's going to be the dead of winter here in South Dakota when this challenge is over, maybe I'll have to book a flight for warmer weather to rock my dress somewhere.  There's always Vegas.  :) 

I slept after being up all night and now I'm going to keep browsing around online for a few things then back to slumber.  Sweet sweet slumber.  I had a great time last night.  And yes, you all do need to party with me because I am fun!!!!  :)  I sound like a lush lately, but I'm not really.  Over the last year I drank about once a month - but with summer comes ball games, cookouts, bonfires and all things awesome which  = beer.  Kate, I'm still going to try your strawberry vodka concoction and it looks yummy and refreshing. Hopefully it warms up again this week so I have a reason to....

A couple weeks ago I found these wines:
They're pretty good.  They're cheapies with a twist top vs. cork which is strange to me, but the taste was good and the white is very refreshing.  Sometimes really sweet wines give me a headache, but I had no problem with these.  I have a friend who gets stomach aches from really sweet wines and she enjoyed this with no ugly after effects.  I found them in a local liquor store for about ten bucks each.

Back to dress shopping, but wow it's hard because I can't imagine myself under 250 pounds.  Maybe that's sad, but it's also exciting.  Do what you never thought possible?  Yes, please.  


  1. And also my buns still totally hurt from all the dancing (get low!... not really but if I told you I'd have to kill ya....) and steep uphill walk. I guess I need more of each!

  2. You have such a lovely attitude! <3 You WILL get there! As far as dresses, I think ASOS Curve has some really, really cute stuff!

  3. I can't even imagine wearing a dress.... so not me... LOL! I'm just going with pants size & shooting for 18 since I have quite a few pairs from when I could last wear that size. Probably about 5 or so years ago... or more. I lose track of time. Good luck with the shopping, there is a site called that may have some stuff:-)

  4. April, its so hard to guess a size!! There are people who are 30 lbs heavier than me that are already in my size. So i dont think you can really go by weight = size. Instead, Ive heard each size is approx 10 lbs. So if youre a size 28 now, and you want to lose 30 lbs, go with a size 22/24. BUT, we all lose so differently!! I was not able to find a dress in my price range, so I went with a new shirt and pants. I squeezed into it, and took pics. (pants unzipped!!) Good luck!!

  5. Very hard to figure a size! But you might want to try They are a little pricey but they have GREAT dresses!

    Good luck with the challenge!

  6. Yes Please is RIGHT! I have been overweight for so many years I have no idea how to shop for anything under a 3X. My highest was 333 too! Not that I'm celebrating but it was. Now, I'm UNDER 300! I plan to keep up with your wonderful success even though I'm doing another challenge! I'll be cheering you on!

  7. I haven't worn a dress in so long but I think I may have found one on this site, Good luck!

  8. I found mine from and there is also that has a lot of cute stuff. I agree it is hard to figure out your size. I am hoping an 18 since I have seemed to drop a size every month a half with my program and hope that continues! If we get too small of sizes we can always invest in some spanks haha!

  9. First time reading this blog, thanks for sharing
