Friday, September 23, 2011

fruits-veggies-nuts-tea-water (and that's all!)

I just finished my 3rd day of fruits-veggies-nuts-tea, I have 7 to go.  I have found it to be very easy, partly because I'm mildly depressed.  I don't have much of an appetite.  See last couple posts for update if you haven't.  I am trying to quit being a Debbie Downer, that is so not my goal with all of this.  Life has just been using me as its punching bag lately.

Yesterday I BIG soup pot with two bunches of broccoli, 1 head of cauli and a bag of baby carrots.  I boiled them for about 7 minutes then shocked them in cold water.  I just need to have them a little more tender than raw.  They're delicious.  I measured out 2 cup servings, but haven't even been eating a whole serving at meal times.

As far as fruit, I ate a TON of watermelon.  It was SO good.  I bought the watermelon from a local farmer vs. Walmart or somewhere and you know what the best part was?  It had seeds in it!  Rows of the little black seeds and the melon was more pink than the darker color in the mass produced ones.  It was DELICIOUS.  I've been buying them there, but for some reason really noticed how much I appreciated the seeds, lots of dried mud on the outside of it and the pink color of the deliciously juicy fruit!

Water has been off the charts.  LOTS of water and during the day lots of herbal tea (decaf).  I haven't drank any juice, because last week having nearly a gallon of orange juice has been blamed for being part of my hospitalization (potassium overload that supposedly wiped out my iron?). 

Exercise is good!  I took it easy, but hit the 30 day shred running the day I started to feel better which was Wednesday.  I did Level 1, TWO times on Wednesday, 1 on Thursday and 1 today!  I plan to do it twice tomorrow.  I thought I had a problem, you see... I live by myself, however due to recent events I found it necessary to adopt a temporary roomie in the form of a very cute boy! :)  I have been walking every day.  He went for a walk with me the other night and he said he's happy that I'm walking and living healthier because I deserve it.  Then I said to him that I do a couple DVDs usually but I was embarassed because he was there and I huff, puff and nearly die sometimes during them.  He said he is too scared to leave me doing a tough workout since he is scared I will faint..  I said, well I am scared of killing you in an earthquake inside the house!  We laughed and he said he will go to his friends, go for a walk or drive over to his normal residence while I exercise.  The deal is if I don't call him within an hour, he will come to make sure I'm not passed out.  He laughed and kept saying he wouldn't care a bit if I was huffing and puffing and he'd never laugh and said he might even try to work out with me!  I said lets keep to the walking, but teased about busting out my hip hop dance party workout DVD and we can do that together.  We had a good little joking session.

*Water - Perfect
*#17 on the 30x30list - on point and simple.  Not sure how it will go once I'm over the depression, however if that doesn't happen in the week then it won't be a concern.... but, the strongly creeping depression will!
*Calories - Haven't even been pushing 800 since.... last Monday.  About 11 days of super low cal intake, due to illness, drama and this little cleanse project
*Exercise - walking every day, 30 day shred challenge


  1. It's great that you are keeping to things during all of the turmoil, lots would have given up or said they'd start over when things calmed down. You're in it to win it!

  2. I also hate working out in front of people I know for very same reasons, but at the gym it's a lot easier for some reason. Maybe because of the space I guess.

    Keep up the good work!

  3. It's hard enough sticking to a good eating plan when you feel GOOD let alone when you are depressed - I admire your willpower. You are doing great. And it sounds like you have a good friend that is supportive and really couldn't care less if you do your DVD workouts in front of him. Although I completely understand - I even had to get used to the idea of letting my husband watch me work out. Just have fun but don't over do it - you are still recovering!

  4. My concern is that if you had a potassium issuue, this might resurrect it. Eating fruits and veggies means loads of potassium. If you have a blood pressure monitor, might wanna keep an eye on it, as your blood pressure may take a serious dive and you'll have fainting issues again. Hope it comes out perfectly for you, but vigilance don't hurt. :D Good thing your roomie is so nice and concerned!!!

    Be well.

  5. I did lab work on Thursday afternoon and everything was evened out and looked good as far as the blood panel they did.

  6. SO proud of you. Never worry about sounding like a "Debbie Downer" imo. Life is life, sometimes it's good and sometimes it's not and you've had a LOT of rough stuff to deal with lately. I truly hope that good guys like your current roomie help you fight off a depression. Other people can be jerks, we can't control that, but you deserve to be happy and not let them stop you from that for even a moment. Keep going strong girlie, you rock!

  7. Look at you being all Miss Inspiration and Motivation! I love it! All this AND a cute boy roomie? Does he know mouth-to-mouth? Look out! LOL Great job girl! Keep it up!

  8. Yay!!! this is so great! I'm glad your venture into raw foods is going well. I'm also VERY happy you have someone living with you, making sure that you're okay. That makes me rest a bit easier about the whole potassium issue.

    keep it up lady!
