Friday, September 2, 2011

10 miles

Yesterday I walked-jogged 10 miles.  TEN.  That's right, I said t-e-n.  I don't have a clue how I did it, but I did.  It was broken up into 4 different sessions, but I just couldn't stop.  Today, my feet hurt like hell but I feel like a rock star!! :) 


  1. If I walked-jogged half of that, my knees would go on strike...

    But i totally understand that rock star achievment top o teh world feeling. Good for you!

  2. Yay! You're so rocking!! I wish I could stay at the gym that long, but I'm lucky to make it to 4 miles before my mom's huffing at my side because she was ready to go 5 minutes ago...

  3. 10 miles in a day YOU ROCK MY SOCKS WOMAN!

  4. That is awesome! AWESOME! Keep up the good work :)

  5. Holy Moly - that is some accomplishment! I am in awe of you right now. Can you send a little of your mojo my way?

  6. You really ARE a rock star! But please don't say 'feet' out loud. Mine are blistered up from walking 5 miles/day for the last three weeks. I did find some nice WIDE Asics today! Walk on dudette! LOL

  7. You are definitely a rock star! Woo-hoo!

  8. Damn girl, 10 miles? Rock star!

  9. hahahahah Walk-Star.......I love it!!!!!!

  10. You are a rock star! Ten miles is a LOT to walk. I'm proud of you!!!!!

  11. Good job! Get that exercise in cause I walked & walked & walked my butt off in Vegas so this 10 miles will be practice for when you get there:-)
