Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Love, Hate, and Prosperity

Love: to have a strong liking for, take great pleasure in
Hate: to dislike intensely or passionately; feel extreme aversion for or extreme hostility toward; detest
Prosperity: a successful, flourishing, or thriving condition

Things I love about this journey:
feeling like a rock star, better fitting jeans, not being winded after walking up a flight of stairs, bountiful energy, compliments, less chins, heavy metal workout playlist, inspiring others, the benefits of proper hydration noticed in my skin and hair, not feeling like crap after eating grease-fat-calorie laden food, no sugar fog after consuming 2 donuts for breakfast, noticeable biceps, 2 months strong and not giving up, 32 pounds down, not worrying about stepping on the scale and seeing an E for error because I max it out, improved blood pressure, fellow Slimmer this Summer challengers, enjoying fresh summer fruit, sore muscles, Jillian Michaels 30 day shred, my walking playlist consisting of everything from old school gangster rap to Johann Pachelbel, learning more about myself, practicing meditation, saving money by reducing processed foods/snacks, never being over 300 again in my entire life, cute new running shoes, learning to love myself, focusing on self-made goals for weight loss and the rest of my 30x30 list, not hitting the snooze button 3-6 times every morning, delicious healthy food, Crystal Light, sweaty workouts, looking forward to a bright future, morning yoga, a house cleaned spotless because of my great energy level

Things I hate about this journey:  Other than not starting sooner, nothing.  I don't 'regret' not starting sooner, but I just wish I had.  I am learning to let go of the past and its mistakes because that is how I will learn to love me and be more confident in myself and my decisions. 

Ways I will Prosper during and after this journey: self confidence, travel, self love, knowing that whatever I set my mind to is mine for the taking, friendships, everything in my 30x30 list that have been goals of mine for years, cute clothes!, a tropical vacation, physical and emotional health, longevity in my life, know how to use food as fuel and not as a friend, save money on hospital bills/potential health problems/prescriptions, not saying 'no' in fear of not fitting in a seat or something embarassing like that

Some people limit prosperity to financial gains or material wealth.  I do not, I find those things to be unimportant actually.  What matters is that I am finally starting to live my life at the ripe old age of 29 - I will be a happier, healthier 30-something.  When I first started typing this post I thought I'd have a long list on the 'hate' section, when I got right down to it I had nothing.  There is nothing negative to be said about this weight loss journey we are all on - nothing but good can come from this.  I almost tried to list things I detest just to do it such as excessive laundry from workout clothes or the planning that is involved in caloric intake - but I don't really hate it - it just is.  It is just part of the journey and it's an important part.  Like at my job, I don't really like going to Director's meetings, I prefer to just do the work I feel I need to - but every week I have to attend them because I am a Program Director.  It just is.  It's part of the job and I do it and move on.   

What are your love/hates about this?       


  1. excellent post!! i love that your first set of "love" list is the longest of the three! I agree to the financial gains/material wealth. I'm never driven by those factors. Just happy in life is what I aim for. Oh and as for my post, i by no means was knocking the rewards program bloggers have set up. Those are different because you're rewarding yourself. I just meant the kind like a third party "bribing" you to lose weight.. would it work? (that kinda thing;) shoot me an email at heycarbie(at)gmail.com and I'll send you the etsy link u requested =)

  2. Bravo Post!!!! So much to love, filled with tons of prosperity and very little hate - you are right on!!!

    Staying MOtivated Mo

  3. Great post. I HATE that I'm not at goal yet! hehe

  4. Regret is one thing I decided to never feel again when I started this and I haven't looked back. This is a great post.

  5. Absolutely FANTASTIC post! You are so right! I just love this!

  6. Love it!!!! Positive thinking!!! Great 'come back to during down days' post!!!
