Sunday, July 10, 2011

6-10-11 STS update

Last week: 305
Today: 297

Yeah, I'll take it!  Last week I said I was going to get back on track, and I have.  I was going for 9 pounds, I got 8 in 6 days, I'll take it.  I think a part of it was cutting out some white starches and just moving more in general.  I had some TOM bloat last week and also binged while facing a death in the family.  Oh the hurdles of life - feel so much better when you come out on the other side.  My water intake has always been good, very few days where I falter in that area.  Ok, this time - I am NEVER  EVER FUCKING NEVER going to be over 300 again.  That's it.

As posted before, I finally joined My Fitness Pal and I love it!

I don't know why I didn't join sooner. I thank the people who have added me on there, and the bloggers who already used this wonderful tool for tracking so I could learn about it in the first place! I think that has been a great motivation.  I was tracking in a notebook, guesstimating, and sometimes just ignoring that component of weight loss.  TRACKING IS SO IMPORTANT!  This seems to the missing piece of the puzzle thus far.  I love the site and the mobile app that it has.  :)  I put it on my Facebook and none of my friends-family joined - jerks.  Maybe they will, they don't know what they're missing out on. 


  1. Mine is "don't be over 200 again!" 300 was the number that freaked me. I didn't stay there long (I may have stepped a toe over 300 and missed it on the scale, as I do remember being 299, and I was over 300 with clothe son the doctor's scale. so I was probably over 300, as no home scale is totally accurate).

    200 has to be the scary number for me to keep me going straight. Although, really, 185 is the number I want to be my barrier. 185 is the marker from overweight to obese at my height, and that's the barrier I need to cross on my way down and never cross back going up. I have lots to lose still and lots to learn about keeping it off, but yeah. Let's all vow to leave the big fat barriers as just that: thresholds not to cross again.

    Happy Sunday and a great new week for us all...

  2. Well done on the weight loss this week, that is an awesome number :-) I use myfitnesspal on my Ipad now and like it, but got off track this week :( I will get back to it tomorrow. Reading all your blogs helps me get focused again - thanks.

  3. 200 was my number, too. Never, ever again. Never.

    Great job tracking! And who cares if your friends and family didn't join. You Did, and THAT is what matters!

  4. Fabulous job!! You are a safe distance away from those 3 digits now. It is crazy how tracking really shows you what you are eating every day. Keep up the great work, I'm following you on myfitnesspal!

  5. Way to go that is an amazing loss in a weeks time! I added you on, I love that site.

  6. Excellent weight loss! Bravo! Tracking is everything to me, too. Here is to another great week!

  7. Congrats on leaving the 300s!!

    Thanks for stopping by. How do I spend so much time with weights? Its hard. but Im working hard on my bat wings! I want to be able to feel comfortable in a tank top!! I know that if I dont work on em, theyll just continue to wobble. I looked on the internet to find the exersizes. I also do lunges with weights for about 10 mins. Some of the excersizes call for kneeling on a weight bench. I put two of my kitchen chairs togther, or use my kids old toy box.

  8. I am so happy for you. Great rebound and score! Ben Does Life has a post where he met two women who have lost lots of weight and they were wearing sports clothes. One was older and the other younger. They showed no visible signs to me that they were large ever. (looking above at Deb's comment). I am thankful that the tricks to tightening up the looseness are shared.

  9. Congrats on saying goodbye to 300, you're doing really well!

  10. Nice. No more 3's ever!!!! Won't be long and you'll be saying that about the 2's!! Seriously, keep this up and you'll continue to go down and in the grand scheme of things, it really doesn't take THAT long! Keep going!! :-)

  11. April you are doing so great! Your weight loss is awesome and just like you I will never ever see that 300 mark again!!! I am proud of you!! Nicole @

  12. I was heading fast for 200 and that is why I got on the diet wagon. Like you, I will never gain the weight back again. I just felt so bad mentally about myself. You're doing great!

  13. Congrats on a great loss and breaking into the 200s. I've never been able to lose more than 5 pounds in a week. Keep up the good work. Rock on.
