Friday, July 22, 2011

2,437 calories yesterday :(


Let's see, I started off with coffee and a 549 calorie slice of bacon breakfast pizza from Caseys general store.  Does anyone else have Casey's general store - I think it's a US Midwest thing. Man, it's the bomb.  MY VICE.  That's bad when a whole freakin' store is your vice....

Lunch - I knew I totally overdid breakfast so I bought a giant salad, it was really satisfying and I didn't feel like such a cow after eating it.  I was too full to even eat the cup of yogurt I had taken out of the fridge to have after my salad, so I put it back.

I then went to a family barbecue.  Well, at the barbecue I had a hamburger, bratwurst (both on white buns), and some chips, then 5 bottles of Bud Light.  That Bud Light gets me every freakin' time.  I drank water for hours while I was there, but got so anxious about getting the poll results decided to have a beer, well I said ok I'll have 2.  2 turned into 3, which led me to 5.

I was moving around ALL day yesterday though from 10am until 2am.  I was sitting down at the barbecue, but I was working and walking and moving and did some quick arm workouts with weights.  Overall, yesterday was a fail.  I am not a failure though.  For the record, I feel like total crap today.  My tummy hurts, my head hurts, even my mouth tastes gross.  To think I used to eat this much in a day or more and not think twice about it..... scary shit. 

How do you control your self at social events, parties, barbecues, etc?!?!


  1. I don't find it hard to 'control' myself at outings because everyone I'm out with knows about my new lifestyle.

    I don't want to seem like an idiot in front of them by over eating.

    I'm not saying that anyone is an idiot, it's just how I would feel if someone seen me over eating after I make a big deal about this new change.

  2. I find it hard at family gatherings too, as for my own part, I didn't tell most of my family about the weight-loss attempt - protecting myself in case I failed, I guess. And many in my family are the kind who would question you publicly if you were noticeably cutting back - there's nothing quite like "Why don't you want cake? You're not on a diet, are you?" to make you wish bad thoughts on your Auntie!

    Bless them though, they've all said good things now the weight-loss is noticeable, and they're all behind me! In terms of managing it, I usually tried to run a distraction policy -

    "No, I already had some!"


    "I'm sticking to the drink tonight!"


    "Am I on a diet? Why would you...HEY, LOOK OVER THERE!"

  3. LOL...I love Headspace's tactics!

    I usually just try to stay AWAY from the food tables. Seriously, park myself as far away as I can, and I don't ever pick up a plate. I also volunteer to bring food, and bring something healthy, like grilled veggies. I stash an apple in my bag and pull it out when I'm tempted by banana pudding or brownies. I eat my burgers or brats on a plate, with a fork and knife, no bun.

    Beer? I budget for one, because I LIKE beer. I don't drink in public very often anyway (can't hold my liquor), so one beer keeps me satisfied. I drink water, lots and lots of water. Keep a water bottle in my hand at all times. You can't hold a plate and a water bottle and eat at the same time.

    When it gets really rough...I excuse myself and go brush my teeth somewhere. It's easier for me to say no with fresh breath and clean teeth. I've been known to resort to chewing gum, too.

    When all else fails, I volunteer to take all the kids for a walk or swim or whatever. Big picnics and barbeques are really rough.

  4. Damn girl 5 bottles of beer???....I would have been on the

    I save Saturday's as my cheat days and I pig out on whatever I want. If the social gathering is on any other day, I just stay away from the junk. It's hard but if it's on a friday, I just think to myself tomorrow you can have anything. If it's on a sunday I usually don't crave anything because of the day before....

  5. A couple of things I do: plan, and then plan some more. I bring my own food or at least some of it, including a salad. I also love beer, but drink something that I really like (I am a dark beer lover). I drink only one, and I drink it slow. It has taken me a long time to realize how important it is for me to bring my own food to events. The event is the celebration, not the food now, for me.

    I am glad you posted about going over your calories. That is an important step. If you bring your own food, you will not be as tempted to eat all that BBQ and other stuff. There will be many more events like the one you described. That is part of life. Try to figure out ahead of time what you will do to be ready the next time. Okay?? Have a great weekend!
