Friday, January 20, 2012

kickass random email of the week!


Hi.  I will be as nice as I can.  I just don’t like you.  I don’t like your blog. I don’t like how you tell stories that are just, well weird. I think 50 pounds since June is probably good and you should have done it a long time ago. It’s in 6 months so that’s good and probably how people lose 100 pounds in a year, your goal shold be that instead of just 85.  Maybe even more.  You should be embarrassed to be so big and continue posting pictures of you being drunk and/or happy - it has to be all fake.  What size clothes do you wear and how do you even find them to party in when you're so big.  I mean, you realize you are really big?  I will stay as a follower for now, but expect your number to drop by at least one follower in the near future. If I can get others to drop you, I will because your pointless.

*******Ok, random follower.  Thanks for the email.  Your email was just sent with the initials 'R.J.'.   However, I took the time to stalk the email address on Facebook and guess what?  Caught you, Rhonda!  Rhonda, please stop wasting your time reading my blog and sending me emails.  You could spend that time working on losing your own 50-85-100 pounds and maybe going to the dentist because your teeth are a tad bit on the green side.  That is a lovely jail tattoo on your husband's neck and I am very happy that you recently won $10 off of a $2 Monopoly scratch ticket and it apparently made your day even though it wasn't enough to pay your water bill so it was disconnected for 2 days.  The good news is you still had access to the internet to post all your woes and Iron Maiden youtube videos on your Facebook!!  Who needs running water anyway?  Congrats!  Stay classy and keep posting the pics of you and your friends drinking malt liquor in a garage, talk about embarrassing!   
    To answer your questions - yes, I realize I am big.  That is why I have lost 62 pounds and continue to lose more.  The 85 pound goal by my 30th birthday would put me at the weight of 220 - which was my first big target.  I will venture down to Onederland after I reach that milestone, mkay?  I buy my clothes at various places: Lane Bryant, Torrid online, Cato, Fashion Bug, Target and every once in a while - Walmart.  I am not the least bit embarrassed to post pictures of myself, this is my blog - I will do what I want and post what I want.  The overall objective wasn't for this to be JUST about weight loss - I have a whole list of 30 things I am working on in the next three months before I turn 30.  Life also happens along the way and I write about it. 
   As far as losing a follower and you wanting to rally other people to stop following my blog - be my guest.  You just click on the Follow button and it says 'you are already following' this blog and it gives you the option to STOP FOLLOWING 30 Before 30 - bam!  Done deal, now hurry the fuck up and do it!!!! 


  1. I'm sorry what? April,do you know who this person is? $(%K you, you $(%King $(%K! Some people have balls, I swear.

    1. Sorry-- I can't let this go. WTF are you doing reading if you don't like it, you jackwagon? Ok. I'm done now. I hope you don't let this bother you too much.

  2. Well my son tells me you are not a "big" blogger/Youtuber unless you have trolls. So congrats, you have been trolled-you must be doing something right! I don't get any of that because no one reads my stuff anyways LOL!

  3. I find this hilariously contradicting! They obviously follow you & read & they will continue to so at this point they are just looking to be noticed & how better to accomplish that than to make an ass of yourself?? LMAO! How totally clues this person is that they are the butt of their own joke:-)

  4. OMFG!!!

    1. If this as nice as she can be, then I'm glad you didn't catch her on a bad day.

    2. A blog is your personal belonging.

    3. If she don't like it she can turn it off and not come back.

    4. Pretty thick to think she wouldn't be traced *duh*

    5. Being bigger doesn't mean you can't enjoy life.

    6. I love your comeback. You go girl, show her who's boss of your blog.

    7. I love your blog as it is, I might not comment often but I read. Don't change who you are because of some idiot.

    8. Have a great weekend. :)

  5. ... I don't even know what to say to that.

  6. Definitely the darkside of blogging. Stay strong, April, you have done really great.

  7. Wow, I am shocked! It just shows she obviously has no class and that she is insecure with herself. Anyone that takes the time to email someone hatered instead of support needs to get a new life!

    Hey Rhonda,I'm really big, have lost the same weight over and over and should have been at goal 2yrs ago according to you. Oh,and get this-I post pictures too! Come pick on me now!

    April, I know it's hard but I really wouldn't give her an explanation. She doesen't deserve your time or thoughts. You have done great, you are doing great, and your blog rocks :-)

  8. Wow. Just wow. So do you know this person in real life?

  9. Thanks, guys. I do not know this person at all, I just did a search on Facebook with the email she sent. I creeped her a couple times and her writing style is the same as this email, so I know it's the right person (piece of trash). I don't plan on changing what I do on MY blog because someone doesn't like it. That is their problem, not mine.
    I think she just wanted to know where I shop because I am pretty & cute and she is a monstrosity in sweat pants! For real!

  10. What a loser ... my guess is she is jealous that you are making progress and loving yourself in the process... sounds like she doesnt like herself very much.

  11. Wow! Totally bizarre! What is wrong with people? Good for you for sticking up for yourself, Ellie!!
    I love that you don't put up with any bullshit!

  12. Wow!!! OMG, her email was totally out of line! From the way you describe her, she sounds jealous. You are a better person for addressing her comments/questions, but you totally didn't have to. She was way out of line and can kick rocks! You keep up the good work!

  13. She is so crazy you have no choice but to laugh at her. I love that you creeped fb because that was the first thing I was thinking!

  14. Oh god what is wrong with people. I had a lovely email today too, but not even nearly as stupid as this one. F her April, let's keep going!

  15. Sorry to hear you've got this email. Obviously on a public blog you're always open to receive negative opinions and it's never nice to hear them but this is clearly a personal attack and the intention isn't to offer constructive criticism but to cause a lot of hurt. It's totally out of order and I really hope that she stops following you because she clearly doesn't want to help support you on your journey.

    Thankfully reading the above comments and I expect many more after mine, there are SO many people out there who are right behind you and will always be here for you.

    Keep being you, you're fun, friendly and a great lass.

  16. You haven't made it to the big time until you have trolls. So, congrats? :)

  17. What a b*tch! When people attack others like that it is defintely a character flaw within themselves. To hell with her! You have SO many others that support your efforts. Just remember that!

  18. Alas... a weak person attacking someone that is exhibiting control and goal-oriented behavior. Generally.... as soon as the words "you should" happen, the rest of the sentence isn't worth listening to. Also... she doesn't like you? but she likes you enough to keep reading. GO APRIL!

    You know that what you're doing is worth it when you're pissing people off and inspiring at the same time.

    Keep rocking it. Keep loving your life. Keep happy. Keep blogging. I think you're great... hence why I keep reading.

  19. Wow. I thought one of the main points about weight loss blogging was to have a safe environment away from the b!tches and a$$holes in real life. Guess I was wrong. I don't know who this Rhonda person is, but I certainly won't be following her any time soon. Sorry that happened to you, ma'am. I think you're fabulous.

  20. WOW....I would have said so long as well. No one is forcing her to read...if she doesn't like it find another blogger to follow.

  21. I feel like i should be like, "Oh my gosh, I'm sorry, she's terrible!" But really....I laughed my ass off. Because some things are just too funny to worry about. I love the fact that you facebook stalked her. +5.
    PS--you're totally a hottie pants, but you already knew that ;)

  22. LOL, I agree with you Jillian & April I think you are hilarious for posting your response to her & amazing for stalking her down! LMAO.... you are cute & fashionable too so she definitely is jealous of your awesomeness!

  23. Wow! Some people are just suffering so much themselves that they feel the need to have others suffer with them. Hella messed up!

  24. Omg I just died laughing and probably peed myself a little! What a douche! First of all if you are going to attack someone, don't use the email linked to your facebook dumb shit! 2nd if you are going to attack someone just attack, don't ask dumb questions. My favorite parts of this though are that she picked you of all people to start shit with...and I LOVE LOVE LOVE that in true April fashion you tore her a new one!! I love you girly and you keep on doing what you do cause you kick ass!!

  25. Um...was that a joke or is there really someone that stupid out there? Loved your response.

  26. WOW! Just WOW! LOL Glad your laughing about this as you should!

  27. Bahahaha what ridiculous email, love your retort!!!!!

  28. lol People are so weird! Who cares what she thinks! You are who you are she can just deal with it.

  29. Congrats on your first hater April. I hope to catch up to you some day, soon!

  30. bwahahhaahahha I'm rolling at Monstrosity in sweatpants...

    seriously though... Cunt is the first word that comes to mind when I think about Rhonda... what a waste of space...

    I know this isn't your first hater though and you seem to handle them all very well. WTG love! <3

  31. OMFG, April....EPIC WIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  32. I can't believe someone would follow you and send an e-mail like that, I am glad that you have taken it in stride. I love the fact that you post pics of u having fun. Just because someone is overweight doesn't mean that they can't have a good time.

  33. Wow I am speechless. Can we say someone is jealous of you. Why else would she keep reading your blog. Keep up the great work on your journy! IT is not a race. The slower it comes off the longer it will stay off!

  34. You need to do a post letting everyone kno the status of your 30 before 30!

  35. Whoa nelly! I just started following your blog precisely because of your weight loss -- I'm super proud of you and don't even know you! That takes real discipline and patience! People who write stuff like that are to be pitied because their hearts are full of hatred and probably full of demonic spirits too! G-d loves you just as you are, regardless of weight or anything else, but of course He wants us to be healthy so, KEEP IT UP! I'm rooting for you!


  36. OMG!! I'm away from reading blogs for a while and I come back and read this. I'm sorry about that email and the insensitive a**holes out there but I LMAO at how you were able to easily get so much info about her .... and she was trying to be anonymous!!! HAHAHAHAHA That should teach her!!

    I just don't get it when we blog about our weight (because that's the issue we're dealing with at the moment) and people automatically classify us a "Weight Loss Blog". How come when we blog about our vacations we're not classified a "Vacation Blog". I can only guess that the problem is the person is totally jealous of you and your success as well as your optimism and wish they could be even a smidgeon like you.

    Keep being you because I LOVE IT!!! :)
