Friday, January 13, 2012

I'm not a Runner, but I want to be....

Katie over at Runs for Cookies wrote a great post today about How to get started as a runner.  I recently started following some 'formerly fat' runner blogs and they're all amazing.  One of my goals on my 30x30 list is to be able to run 3 miles without feeling or sounding like I am on the brink of death.  Well, the time is now to get started because I turn 30 in 3 months.  I want to start looking for 5ks and sign up for one this spring.  There is actually a 10k race on my 30th birthday in Las Vegas (where I will be celebrating my birthday!).  I can't do a freakin' 10k though, I wish they had a 5k.  What better way to start my 30th year on this Earth.... healthy, knocking a goal out and treating my body good with a run.  I just wish they had a 5k and not just the 10k. 

Any thoughts, idea, suggestions, recommendations, inspirations......... I don't think I will just love the heck out of running - but I know it's great exercise and it's like walking (which is my favorite), only faster and more effective.  I think that's what I need right about this time.


  1. I've tried many times. I once ran a mile. After that I realized I love walking much more!! Good luck to you!! I hate the Couch to 5k app just like she said!! I would try something else she suggested!

  2. My goal for 2012 is to run during a 5k. I'd like to run a whole one but I wasn't a runner & couldn't see myself being one so I figured during would be good. I signed up, & paid for, over 10 5ks & 7k so far & I'm thinking about adding 2 more that involve obstical courses:-). I digress, basically I needed help so I joined up with the Brad Gansberg program, learn to run 5k in 100 days & began that the first week of Jan. I love it! 3 days a week & about an hour is all it takes! It's interval running. Starts with not walking & then you build up on the amount of running each week. The key is really "slow & steady wins the race". I run slow but I can breath, make it through & it's said you burn more that way:-). Since I've been doing this my goals are broadening & I'd like to be able to run for a mile during a 5k, a straight mile. My next 5k is 1/28 & I'm actually thinking Imay break out into a run here & there during that, already achieving the initial goal to run during:-).

  3. Hey, I haven't done it myself, but I know several people who have used the "couch to 5K" podcasts from and found that to be key. I just started running on my own without any real knowledge or plan and just built up gradually. I actually LOVE running but I'm not a natural runner...even though I am the cardio queen, I have not made the progress on distance that I would like to and it can be discouraging. One of my goals this year is to get back into running again and improve that; I've kind of shied away from it since the fall, save for the 5Ks I ran on Thanksgiving morning & New Year's Day morning , which I did not train for at all. The longest I've ever run at once was nine miles...I had to run a 7.2 mile leg of a relay race in 85 degree sunshine and I was quite proud of that...and I've run probably ten 5ks and a couple of 5 mile races...but for daily runs I keep it from 2-5 miles. Starting off with alternating running/walking (one minute of each, then build up to two min. run/one minute walk, etc.) is something to try. I do recommend checking out proper footwear; go to a running store that knows their stuff and have them properly fit you, check your gait, pronation, etc...the last thing you want to do is get discouraged because of shin, foot, knee pain; get injured, etc. But try it!!!

  4. I'm with you on this one. I want to be a runner also. I set a goal to get under 200 lbs before I would try to run because I didn't want to hurt myself and then I did a whole lot of walking to lose weight. I broke my own rule and tried to run a few months ago at around 220 lbs and after just under 1/2 a mile my shins felt like they were shredding. I had shin splints that hurt for weeks so I guess I'm not quite ready yet. I read a bunch of great articles on how to run in such a way as to avoid shin splints, then went out and tried the techniques and still felt pain in my shins so I'm back to waiting until I'm under 200 lbs before I try again. I have, however, been running in place in my house and that seems to be ok and good for cardio.

  5. sorry I meant to also respond to your request for suggestions. I wanted to do the Rock N' Roll marathon here in vegas last month but couldn't afford the entrance fee so I did my own marathon. The 1/2 marathon was like 14 miles or something so I got on google and planned a route that was 1.2 miles around my house and then just lapped it over and over again, counting the miles with each lap by texting it to my mom (also a great way to track lap times since the texts were all time-stamped). I made it 10.2 and then had to practically crawl home in tears because I developed severe charlie horses in both legs but ... if you really wanna do a 5k I say plan a route somewhere in vegas (Sunset park has a great 1 mile long runners track) and just do it. Who needs bells and whistles and a number pinned on their back right? It's all about the running (or in my case walking).

  6. You definitely can do this! I run kind of like Katie-the C2-5K never worked for me. At some point I'll get there.

    Can you ask the race if they have a 5k not advertised? I definitely think it's a sweet way to ring in your 30th year!

  7. I have not done it either, but, I hear from many bloggers about the C25KM program. Takle it easy and be sure you have good shoes. Bruce at writes alot about running. He has lost about 90 pounds. He might be a great help to you. Happy Friday!

  8. I never did any programs. I just did running/walking intervals and gradually increased my time running as time went on. I suggest having music. I get so pumped up from my songs that sometimes I run alot faster and harder than I decided on that day. Good luck!

  9. A 5K is a great place to start. (I found the 10K training was much more taxing than the 5K.) I'd sign up for something and follow a program. (I did Running Room.) Also get a watch with multiple timers. (I've got a polar watch with a HRM that I love!)

  10. Totally new to your BLOG. I'm currently 244, but I started running in September at 287, and I was running 5k consistently by middle of November.
    I used a Couch to 5k app on my phone, and I am so addicted to running now. I hurt myself on Christmas day and wasn't able to run for a few weeks, this morning was my first time back and I felt on cloud 9!!

  11. Metric running makes it sound long FIVE K. I converted it and found out it is 3.10 miles. Does it sound better? I dunno...But it IS amazing the "formerly fat" and fat as well are doing it! And the couch to 5k seems to be a great way to start.
    Oh look at TheMegan2.0 that is amazing! And then there is Ben from Ben Does Life and his bleeding nipples. It is better than fictional 'Run Forrest Run' when he literally just up and started running. Promise me you will get a Ben Does Life T shirt?

  12. I went to and that's where I found my first 5k. When I first started running I couldn't last 30 seconds and tonight I ran 4.5 minutes straight. I was huffing ad puffing by the end, but I did it. At first I hated it, but the more I do it and as I push myself to go just another minute, I feel so accomplished afterwards. Going out for a night run, just me and my thoughts. I'm beginning to love it.

    I say go for it, you might end up with a new, healthy hobby.

  13. 2 5Ks + an extra long dancing jig at the end of the second. Walk, not run. Or run and walk combo. Or walk and then make like Rocky right at the end all sprinty and sweaty.

  14. I used to run and I grew to really like it. I stopped running due to neck and back problems, but here is my two cents:
    -Set small goals to begin with, if you are running out side make a goal to run to the next mail box or light post or after so many mail boxes or light posts, give yourself a walking break. If you are running on a treadmill, count people walking by or watch the clock and run for so many minutes....etc.
    -Each week increast your goal of how far or how long you will run. It helped me to be my own best competitor.
    -Find that race and sign up. I have done several 5k's and it is really fun to be with the whole group of people, there is just a great rush that comes with running a race.
    -And last of all, I keep seeing this quote on pinterest that goes something like this: It doesn't matter how fast you are running, you are still lapping the person who is sitting on the couch!

    You can do it!!

  15. Have you thought about doing the 10k on your birthday but instead of running the whole thing, you could run half of it and walk half of it? or even just set yourself the task of running 5k on your birthday but do it at a gym or just outside.

    I used the C25K program but it took a while for me to find the right one which suited me because there are so many out there and some are good, some are bad.

  16. I also want to run and went to have coffee with a fellow blogger yesterday who self taught herself to run 5k. She only started in July of this year and said she did the Couch to 5K program (, there is an app you can get for your phone. Very inspiring because I also want to run. I'm going to do a Running Room learn to run clinic in March. I'm very excited:) Good luck!

  17. You could run the three miles and walk the rest. I'm trying to get to the point where I can run three miles. Of course, I should point out that I can't even do one yet. I'm going to check out the link you mentioned because I NEED ADVICE AND INSPIRATION! Or is that motivation? LOL

  18. I have been contemplating getting into running again. I made progress back in 2009 and jumped off the wagon. So now I have 5ks bought and paid for so I have to get my endurance up.

  19. My first I ran at 1:11 minutes, my friend's mom walked the same race at 1hour 30 minutes.Can you exercise/keep moving for that time - totally. Don't worry about running the whole thing...mix in walking too.

  20. I WISH I remembered where I read this! Gosh I am horrible! I owe someone who blogged this in the last week for what I am about to type out. i thought it was good info hence why I remember it. LOL She suggested this one
    instead of the c25k that most people use. She pointed out that this dude wants you to be able to do 1.5 mile so suggested working your way up by running further and further each day till you could bang out a mile.

    I also read something somewhere that stuck with me. The jist of it was Not to worry if you can walk faster than you can run. That has been ringing in my head.

    My husband is a marathoner several times over and would love if I ran. I DON'T WANNA!! LOL

    Good luck!

  21. Here it is!!
