Saturday, January 28, 2012

Court/Hell is over and done with

This week, I attended the final court hearing from my stalking/harassment period.  I (obviously) won't be paid for any damages, but I never asked to be either.  Somewhat expected, their charges were minimized to pretty much nothing.  That leaves a bad taste in my mouth - but then again, I didn't want to go to another hearing.  I wanted that garbage to be OVER with.  I have moved on with my life and have been living in my own house once again for a couple months.  It was hellacious to stay at random places, park my car at other random places, be in constant contact with the police (even though they were pretty much useless), miss work, etc..  I was being stalked by a deranged, low-functioning woman because she was laid off from her job and then her husband (who JUST got out of the federal prison system after 23 years) joined forces with her and my life was very much in danger.  I nearly lost my mind, I was on medication for anxiety and insomnia.  I am lucky that only my property was harmed and stolen.  It started on September 19 and carried on through mid-November.  There was one individual who could have received some heavy charges, but there was no evidence and of course - nobody would testify against this thug for what he did to me.  As luck would have it, he was caught by the law for some other incidents and has been sitting in jail for two months now.

Things have turned around for me in a lot of ways.  I didn't even know who I was those two months, I still avoid thinking about the whole thing.  I have never been targeted by hate or violence and I was so scared.  I'm glad it is over and hope it never returns.  If not for the prayers and support of others - I may have given up on myself completely.  I went into such a depression, it was just awful.  I feel completely blessed how things have shifted for me. 

This is just an update on the situation, some new readers don't even know what I had gone through.  For those of you that checked in with me, emailed or commented on posts even when I was so not weight-loss focused or whatever - Thank you.  Thank you for your support, kind words and encouragement. 


  1. I hope you never have to deal with that mess again!

  2. wow Im sorry you had a lot going on in the past years :( Im glad things are getting better and you moved on. I too hope you never have to go through this again.

  3. This blog brought me some peace. When you used to mention this situation it was quite scary and Im glad YOU have finally found some peace. Such scary stuff. Thinking of you and so glad to hear some positive news! xoxo.

  4. Have you considered arming yourself?

  5. I'm glad this is over and hope the past stays in the past...sounds like a terrible experience and you have dealt with it the best anyone could. Your post before this one is GREAT! LOVE all your ideas, your making plans and sticking to them way of approaching them (being VERY accountable and that is where it's at) and proactive approach to identifying possible are so ON IT! I haven't had alcohol in two years. It wasn't a conscious choice or the result of having a problem with it, but my want for it just faded away (much like my want for diet soda) as my diet and lifestyle became at odds with it. I certainly know that not everyone wants or needs to eliminate alcohol but there is no one who is better off with it in their lives, particularly if they're pursuing fitness or have seen more cons than pros arise from drinking. It can be a challenge, socially (and some people are quite rude about it) but if it's making you feel better physically and mentally, more power to ya. Sorry you are still having blogger issues! :(

  6. That whole thing was just so scary...I was worried for you. I'm soooo glad it's over.

  7. I hope that is the very end of it. No one deserves to go through what you did!

  8. I was wondering about the status of all this, and glad you told us. I hope you never hear from or see those people again. Thugs indeed.

  9. I was wondering what was causing the crazy moving around. I hope they gave all involved enough so that if they decide to do it again they can fall under the three strikes law. I was on a jury where it was a third strike and the guy got into a pile of trouble.

    Onward and upward. Makes you appreciate normality. Been there... been there. Really.

  10. I'm pleased everything is finally over and nothing happens from now on.

    You can hopefully finally move on, focus on the exciting future and not have to worry about anything anymore.

  11. So happy for you that it's done and you can continue to move on to better things:-)
