Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Blog Awards

During the crazy, criminal stalker period of my life - I was so kindly bestowed with blog awards.  I never got around to posting about them as my life was a madhouse, but it's a new year and I feel good about a lot of things.  I want to take the time to properly accept the awards from the lovely ladies who linked me to their posts.

Stormy, Poison and Sharon gave me the Versatile Blogger Award!! 
Versatile: ver-sa-tile [vur-suh-tl] or, especially British, [vur-suh-tahyl]: capable of, or adapted for, turning easily from one to another various tasks, fields of endeavor, etc.: a versatile writer.Word information source: www.dictionary.com

Here is how the award works:
1. You thank the person who presented you with the award.
2. You tell 7 things about yourself.
3. You award 15 other newly discovered bloggers.

Thanks so much, Stormy, Jen and Sharon! These ladies have great blogs, so go check them out!

 Stormy is actually hosting a Challenge that starts like, today.  She has quite a few participants and if you're looking for the support for your resolution or just to keep you on track or back on the wagon - go check it out.  Spring Chick Challenge! 

Sharon has faced some obstacles and some rude comments/posts from others - but she keeps to the goals and moves forward.  What else can you really do?  Get right back on, realize the importance of shedding the pounds towards a healthier life.  She leaves positive and supportive comments and I appreciate that so much! :)

Jen at A New Poison has always been one of my favorite bloggers!  Her progress pictures, determination and spirit are amazing.  So inspiring!

Cyn awarded me with the Tell me About Yourself and Lovely Blog Award.  The Lovely says to tell 7 things about yourself, I'll get to that here shortly.  Cyn is freakin' awesome.  She swears and throws F-bombs around like it's nobody's business.  She is a Jillian Michaels Machine and just lives life to the fullest.  I adore her and her totally bitchin' blog! :)  Check it out!

Well, since there are 2 awards that ask for 7, that is 14 Random things about me.  I am feeling self-indulgent, so why the hell not!

1. My motto of grad school and my job is: "I run on coffee and deadlines".  It's usually true and you don't want to know me on a Monday morning until I've had at least two cups of coffee.  I drink 40 ounces of coffee every morning.  I grind the beans and get the coffee maker ready to go the night before.  My friend and I joke about me 'drinking 40's' every morning. 

2. I have two half brothers (from my Mom's first marriage), two sisters and one younger sister/niece.  My oldest sister had a baby when she was 15, so my Mom adopted the baby and she was raised as my sister.  She does know that she is in fact my niece and that my sister is her Mother.  The tangled web that is my family is a hot mess.   

3. I love making lists!  I make a list every morning at work and at the end of the day for things to do when I get home.  I love making grocery lists, shopping, holiday lists, lists to do for cleaning, lists of CDs/DVDs I own, etc... I am a list making lunatic!!

4. I used to win spelling bees all the time in school.  :)

5. I live in a 2 bedroom house by myself.  I have my bed set up in the dining room.  One bedroom is a hodge podge with some storage, an older TV with a DVD player for exercising and soon to be my exercise bike.  It's my mini gym.  The other room has a folding table with my laptop on it, even though I usually use it in the living room.  It has all my clothes, shoes, dresser, etc.  It's like a glorified closet.  I have a little nook in my kitchen that I put my dining table and chairs in.  It makes no sense, but I love it.

6. I am going to be a godmother!  My best friend from college had a beautiful baby girl on December 1.  She will be baptized early February and yours truly will be her godmother.  Her name is Isabelle, and they call her Elle.... like me - Ellie!  :) 

7. My text messages for last month were 741, a combination of sent and received messages.  Yeah, I text a lot. 

8. One of my closest friends is a guy that I started chatting with while playing Yahoo games.  He lives in a town 2 hours away from me, but we've never met in person.  We often share pictures and long phone conversations.  We have agreed to meet and have lunch or something sometime in 2012.  We started chatting/playing a game on Valentine's Day 2002.  We always wish each other "Happy Valen-versary", this February will be 10 years.  We need to get a life.

9. I love candles!  I like to decorate with them all over the house.  I like to light them and turn off all the other lights.

10. My childhood dream job was to be a cashier.  I wanted to be able to push all the buttons on a cash register.  I never did it during high school, so when I was 25 I applied for a seasonal position at Target as a cashier.  I loved it.  I like to see how fast I can complete a transaction and how well and quickly I can bag the items.  If it would pay the bills, I would just be a cashier forever.  It's a great job.  I worked at Hobby Lobby the following year as a seasonal cashier during Christmas, but it wasn't as easy.  Hobby Lobby doesn't have bar codes, you punch every item in and have to remember what is on sale and what department it is in.  It was more of a challenge than Target, but it was still fun.

11. (actually 10 continued...) My favorite transactions while cashiering are the ones that pay in cash and the cost is $#.59.  That means their change is $#.41.  When you give someone .41 in change that is one quarter, one dime, one nickel and one penny.  In my head, I call it "Jackpot!".  When the total ends in .59 and they start handing me cash, I think "Jackpot!" and I'm all happy that I get to quickly grab one of each coin in the tray as their change.  Gosh, I'm weird.  

12. Music is life.  I listen to my playlists, CDs or Pandora first thing in the morning, all day at work and in the evening.  I love discovering new artists.  I listen to a wide variety of music, but I still hate country.  I just can't listen to it.  I am a rock and roll girl at heart, but have an appreciation for all music. 

13. I hate escalators.  I can go up on them, but riding down on them makes me pukey and dizzy.  I always take an elevator, or just do stairs.  I hesitate too much while heading down and it just makes me puke.  Also, they are the total devil when you're drunk in Las Vegas.  Stay away!

14. I had surgery in August 2004 to remove a cyst from my ovary.  It was the size of a football.  I lost 22 pounds after the surgery.  I have a picture of it and it's disgusting.  It had its own blood supply and pulse, I could feel it moving around in there.  It was pretty much like being pregnant with having to pee all the time and all that jazz.  Fuckin disgusting. 

Okay, that's it.  I am too much of a loser to pass these on.  I hate to leave people out as I read so many awesome blogs.  I also went and checked a few of my top ones and they have the awards already, so whatev.  Thanks ladies for the awards.  It only took me a few months to get around to posting about them.


  1. Wow that's a huge cyst I have them a lot but they seem to go away on their own or maybe they are joining forces lol haha Jk. Congrats on the blogger award

  2. Congrats, much deserved and great facts... well most of them anyways;-)

  3. Wow, that's a massive cyst. You'll have to write to let us know if you meet up with your yahoo man friend.

  4. I love this post. So informative for a new reader like myself. Nice to know more about the writer. :)

  5. I had a cyst removed from my ovary too - it was the size of a tennis ball.

  6. Nr. 11 cracked me up! You are such a nerd (said lovingly), but then again I can imagine myself in the same situation and being happy about that. LOL!
    I loved reading these!

  7. mwahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhs!
    you know i love ya longgggg time!


  8. I love random facts!

    One of my good friends is someone i've never met before but we "met" on a random website talking about the Rugby World Cup in 2003. So everytime the Rugby World Cup is on we always talk about how we became friends etc. Similar to you, she lives a few hours away from me but we always keep in contact (in fact I texted her before I read this).

    Also cashiers....omg, it's my nightmare job. I had to do it once as part of the training for a job I applied for. I didn't know any of the codes so I let a few people take vegetables/fruit away for free. I quit the next day.

  9. I love it when other people are weird too. Makes me feel less weird :p

  10. That was a fun read! I love your jackpot story and I can't believe your cyst weighed 22 pounds!

    Welcome back to blog land! I am back in full swing to good new years habits!

  11. I LOOOOVE the behind the scenes of the blogger.
    thanks for sharing.


  12. wow that was a lot of information! You are too funny! Thanks for the shout out girl!

  13. Love your lists - it's always fun to learn more about our fellow bloggers than just how their lives pertain to weight loss. We share a lot in common from music loving to candles! Thanks for the fun post!
