Sunday, October 30, 2011

update 103011

Last week: 262
Today: 261

Water - actually fell behind on this for the first time in months and I can feel it.  Not cool.

Calories: under 1200 every day except Saturday.  Actually signed into MFP again this week!

Exercise: Mon-Thurs for an hour

Support: Always given to others and appreciated when received

Book: Really enjoying it.  Will post more from it this week.

*Short update.  Lots going on here...... positive energy and prayers appreciated.  Thanks.


  1. Short but sweet post - congrats on the loss, and on doing so well on all your other targets!

  2. I pray a blessing over you for whatever is the "going on here". God is always near.

    And congrats on the loss. So nice to see you took the reins and refused to let the Vegas blips derail you. Onward...

  3. Loved your last two posts-sorry I am behind! I can always tell when I am not drinking enough water too.

  4. Good to see a loss. Congrats!

    I've been struggling with drinking enough water too :(

  5. Congrats on the loss. have a good week.

  6. Congratulations on another pound gone and I hope things slow down a bit for you this week.

  7. Congrats in the loss. Glad you are back on MFP.

  8. Yay I the loss & I hope all goes well with the other stuff going on!

  9. LOVE the new profile picture!!

    Keep up with water this week; You're doing GREAT!!

  10. What happens when you go under 1200kcal? Doesn't your body hold on to everything? I'm scared to go that low

  11. Great job hon!

    Blog award!

  12. I hope everything is going okay in your neck of the woods. I fell off the wagon this weekend, and got run over--but I'm back in gear today. You're in my thoughts.

  13. Good job! A pound lost is a pound gone! Wishing you the best for this week also!

  14. I will miss your blog!! You have brought me lots of laughs. But real live stockers isn't funny. Good luck and take care!!
