Wednesday, September 14, 2011

What a week.... already

Monday: Start of 30 day Shred challenge with my fellow bloggies.  Went great, I did the Shred TWO times that day on Level 1.  Eating was on point.  I shopped on Sunday and got some Special K Protein shakes for breakfast after my post a couple weeks ago being whiny and too lazy to make breakfast in the mornings.  They are a real life saver! 

Tuesday (yesterday?):  Did the Shred Level 1 to wake me up, did a brief arm routine, got ready for work, sipped on my Protein Shake on the 15 mile drive to work... all was well in the world for about a half hour.  At 830am, I received an emergency call.  My Aunt had a heart attack and was in the hospital.  I went to find my Mom in the outside area (she works with a construction crew).  We left, drove 2 hours to the hospital.  The day was spent there but I won't go into detail - it was a roller coaster.  Heart failure and mild stroke.  Fluid in places it shouldn't be.  Pain.  Trauma.  Permanent damage to her heart.  She will be okay.  She was up and talking by the time we left the hospital.  I'm still so lost right now I can't begin to articulate my thoughts on this........

Today: I woke up freezing, but my forehead was sweaty.  I couldn't swallow.  I got out of bed and my whole body was achy, not Shred type achy - hit by a truck achy.  I took a shower to get ready for work and felt very dizzy.  I went to work and on the 15 mile drive I could barely keep my eyes open although I had slept plenty.  I got there and 3 different people told me I looked like shit.  Swallowing was difficult, I had a protein shake and some coffee.  I stood up from my desk and almost fell over.  I left work and came home and slept.  I tried to do the Shred, but everything hurts, I can't breathe-swallow and I 'modified' so many moves I was practically just staring at the screen and marching in place.  I turned it off, took another mini nap and now here I am.

My friends knew I left work sick, they brought over some Cup o' Noodles, chicken noodle soup, frozen yogurt and a big Cadbury candy bar - you know, the devishly smooth milk chocolate that is so creamy its insane and fucking delicious?  Yeah, that one.  I totally ate some of it but felt a little sick, so quit.  I just want to drink some tea and go back to bed.

I weighed myself, I'm down 3 pounds since Sunday.  I ended up not eating much at all yesterday, seeing my Aunt hooked up to every medical machine known to man didn't do much to invoke my appetite.  I hope I feel better tomorrow........


  1. Being sick is no fun at all!! Get plenty of rest and fluids!! Hope you feel better soon!

  2. Sorry to hear about your aunt - very scary! I'm glad she's going to be okay. I hope you start feeling better quick!

  3. On the plus side, the commitment you've made to your weight and self is preventative for your own heart issues later.

    I'm sorry to hear about your aunt. It's terrifying to be reminded that life is so fragile.

    Take good care of yourself. I'll be waiting to hear about your next shred work out!

  4. So sorry about the aunt being this seriously ill. :( I had a momentary awful flashback to my nephew's hospitalization in July. He passed on, sadly, at 44, but..well....your aunt is here and with good medical care, hopefully, she will do as well as possible for years to come!

    And you sick. Must have picked up a nasty bug in the hospital, huh?

    Well, fluid it up, rest it up, vitamin C and tea...all bad buggies will pass. Feed your body well to fight it off.

    antiseptic good wishes and hugs, babe...

  5. oh my what a week. Hope you wake up feeling better and I hope your aunt recovers soon as well!!

  6. Oh my goodness, what a mad week!
    Im so sad to hear about your aunt but at least she will be ok! Well done to you for doing the shred though! It is so tough. I'm glad you're doing so well on it.

  7. aww sweety... feel better soon. I hope u can get some rest and recover.

  8. Sorry to hear about your aunt. It sounds like she's on the road to recovery so I hope she and the rest of your family do well with it all. Being sick, man do I know about that. You don't want to eat or drink when that throat hurts. You are a trooper trying to do the Shred eventhough you sound like you felt shredded!! I hope you are feeling better soon!

  9. I'm sorry about your aunt. I hope she can gain back her strength. Take care of your mama, that's her sister she's worried about. And you girl, rest, fluids and more rest. Get better soon.
    Take care and God Bless!!

  10. I am sorry about your Aunt, I hope she fully recovers!

    Way to go on your work out. Please take it easy and rest -you WILL get back to your healthy routine soon enough.

  11. Thanks for leaving that "long-winded" (you said it. lol) comment on my post. I will definately make some more specific goals. You will see them on Sunday when I post. Thanks for the support. You are doing great! Keep it up ;)

  12. My thoughts are with you during your sad times and sickness. I caught a flu myself considering antibiotics musta set me up.
    Hang in there hun.

  13. So sorry to hear about your Aunt. That is scary stuff! And being sick on top of that type of stressful situation is hardly conducive to getting in a good workout, but hopefully you'll be feeling in tip top shape soon. Drink lots of fluids, get some decent rest, and your body will tell you when you are ready to be Jillian's punching bag again!

  14. Wow, that's scary about your Aunt. I hope she gets better soon and also I hope you get well soon too!
