Monday, September 5, 2011

Weigh in

Last week (end of Slimmer this Summer) : 273
Today: 274

I gained a pound!  I'm not even upset about it so don't be alarmed.  Last week I had just come off a 48 hour fast, I was bound to have lost a good number.  This weekend the carnival was in town, festival in the park, cage fights, races, car show, parade, etc.  I decided to eat, drink and be merry.  I didn't overeat a lot, but I ate things that I shouldn't have.  I had a portion of potato salad vs. a bite.  I had a piece of chocolate toffee vs. a crumb.  I had a cupcake vs. a nibble (ok who am I kidding - I had 1 cupcake yesterday while baking and 2 today!).  I had white bread instead of whole grain (felt gross afterwards, like bloated).  It wasn't about screwing everything up, it was kind of a 'break', not as a reward or anything and not before I plan to torment myself to something crazy - it just happened.  It is a holiday weekend, I could have made better choices, but I didn't.  I hydrated like a mad man and always drank water or tea vs. soda.  I did have beers a couple times.  I have found a new love in Bud Light Lime......  I have been walking, walking, walking.  I walked 10 miles the other day - how crazy is that.  I will get back to more exercise this week in addition to the walking and all will be well in the world!!!

I hope all you weight loss rockstars had a fabulous holiday weekend!


  1. I read in some posts that people dont crave the food from 'before'. I say theyre full of hooey!! Sometimes I just have to have something fried, or a peice a cake, or whatever. Today I overloaded on carbs. It was a conscious choice! and I knew I was going to do it!! It tasted so awesome! I savored every single bite!!! I know that tonight Ill go easy and Ill be ok!!

  2. Your attitude is just right! Nothing can mess us up more than a rotten attitude that makes us beat ourselves up! That's sabotage!

  3. Sometimes those little indulgences give us the fuel to continue on with our healthier choices. :)

  4. Sounds like a nice weekend break...and your attitude towards it is great!!!

  5. Thanks for the kick in the butt on the updating for my blog! I told Mir that I'm not updating because I didn't like the number!! I gained horribly and I hate it! :-)

    I'll be bearing all next week though when her challenge starts though. I'll update in October. I told her that I had planned to run and hide after StS challenge but then I needed the kick in the butt so I joined her challenge. No hiding for me! The number hasn't changed much so far but hopefully by the end of the year it will!

    Stay away from the cupcakes lady! Love all the walking you're doing though! Keep that up.

  6. Okay, so you know you should of not eaten this and that, so now don't and get going to the better, healthier you. You can do this, I know you can!! Now have a great week and God Bless!!

  7. Thanks for following I look forward to catching up on your blog too. I wouldn't beat myself up over the gain either it was only a lb and you did have fun. I take saturdays off lol I feel if I don't have fun I won't be able to stick to it forever.

  8. All that food sounds wonderful! Now, back on the wagon. I'm glad you're going to be in the challenge with me. We are all going to need to encourage and support one another. You are going to do great! I know it. Good luck :)

  9. What the heck are you thinking??? Seriously? I am so freaking mad at you? and this has nothing to do with you gaining a lb, or eating all that. It has EVERYTHING to do with the fact that you had a cupcake. I want a damn cupcake! A filled, frosted, and sprinkled one! and probably not just 1 but like 10 ok? UGH!!! LOL

  10. im dreading my weigh in after my holiday. at the moment i'll take a pound gain lol

  11. Good attitude, sometimes you just have those days and have to know that all will be ok so that is awesome! You'll get back to it & rock it:-)
