Wednesday, September 7, 2011


So this past weekend was my town's annual festival.  I volunteered to work the beer stand at the cage fights.  I am new to town and thought I should get involved and also wanted to check it out without paying the outrageous admission fee.  I had been serving beer for about 2 hours.  These two guys were second in the line to be served and I heard one of them say... "Don't they usually get hot girls to serve beer at these things?". I immediately turned the other direction and went and start lining up shots, they were in my section of the table and I would have had to wait on them and I did NOT want to.  I stood with my back to them pouring shots on another table, not waiting on anyone.  This is their conversation:

First comment from Jerk #1: "Don't they usually get hot girls to serve beer at these things?"

Exit April!

Jerk #2: "Why? I can't even see, is she fugly or what?"

Jerk #1: "You don't see that big fat girl, right there?"

Jerk #2: "Oh, shes nice though, I bought the last bucket of beer from her.  She's a sweetie pie, just watch."

Jerk #1: "Well, I guess her face isn't that bad.  But her body is.  Hey, she's a BUTTER BODY.  And I thought they were called a BUTTER FACE.  I think her body is literally made out of butter, all 250 pounds!"

Jerk #2: "Chad, stop being a tool and order the bucket so we can sit down."

Jerk #1: "I didn't know you were a chubby chaser!!"

At this point one of the volunteers had taken their order and asked me to collect the tokens from them.  FUCK! I didn't even want to see what these guys looked like.  I knew my face was red and I was practically choking on the lump in my throat.  It was my responsibility to help.  I turned around and said, 'hey guys, did you have the bucket?'.  The one guy (not the total jerk) said "yes Ma'am" and the other one started laughing at which point Jerk #2 looked at Jerk #1 and said, "Chad, stop".  He handed me the tokens, I thanked him then turned around and threw them into our collection bucket.  I went outside and choked back tears while emptying out some garbage cans.  I went in and finished the night.

At the beginning of the night I was smiling at everyone, making conversation with them because the drinks were taking a while to make and really having a good time.  After this little incident, my whole night was off.  I noticed I was distracted, I screwed up a couple orders.  I wasn't smiling - the customers weren't engaging with me because I wasn't engaging with them.  When a guy would come up, I would try to avoid waiting on him thinking 'he'd probably rather have this little Malibu Barbie working with me wait on him anyway'.  The other volunteers and I were having a great time, dancing around with each other at the beginning and I was getting to know new people in my town.  I just sort of closed off after this.  They went out for a drink afterwards and I just skipped out and went home.  They asked me 'are you sure you don't want to come?'.  I said I was tired and had a long day ahead so needed rest.  I wasn't even tired - I stood on my feet for 5 hours like a champ, I would have loved to be invited by some new young people out and have a cold beer.... but, nope.  I couldn't come back from the Jerks and their bs.

I don't know what to say about it.  I shouldn't have taken it so hard but omgoodness it was just like someone was inserting a knife in my heart and twisting it.  I had a little bounce in my step that night.  I was happy.  I was excited, the crowd was live - it was a cage fight for crying out loud.  There was a lot of energy in the room!  Mine all turned to negative though and I couldn't shake it off......... :(


  1. OMG!! Jerk, is not exactly the word I would have used. You have a lot more control than I do, I would have turned around and said, "No, they get girls just like me, but damn, they use to have hot guys ordering beer. Guess we are jsut stuck with eachother.." Or something to that effect. EEERRRR Just reading this got me all huffy!! I hope you don't let it bother you too much, it isn't worth it. JERK FACE LOSER PANTS is NOT worth your time or tears!!

  2. I'm so sorry this happened to you. People can be so stupid and cruel. :O(

  3. Awful, awful, awful. And you know what? We've all been there. Whether we were at our optimal weight or not. It's too bad assholes are everywhere and possess the super power to take the wind out of our sails.

    I would have been tempted to drop a bug in their beer or maybe spill a little on them.

  4. So Sorry they ruined your night!

  5. People can be so shitty sometimes. I have been on the receiving end of comments like this many times. It's never an easy thing to have to deal with and it really does change your mood, some times for days.

    But you know what, you are in fact very beautiful, and you have a killer personality, and you wont always be overweight. But those guys will always be douche bags.

  6. I will never, ever, forget the time something similar happened to me. And in spite of that, it took me two years to get my mind focused to lose the weight. Why did I waste two years? Use this incident to your advantage by remembering it every time you want to eat the piece of cheesecake. Remember how hurt you felt, and put the fork down.

  7. People are asses. That's the truth.

    But here's another little piece of fact I'm gonna drop on ya.

    You. Are. Beautiful. And ah-maze-ing. And sweet. And a million other things. Basically, you're fabulous. Wanna know why? Because you are a sassy, devoted, wonderful woman who is changing herself for the better. So screw the haters. You are way to be pretty to be crying over losers. They don't deserve your tears. And if you ever see them again, ask their names and pass them on to me. I'll handle them.

    I'll show them that a "butter body" can not only be classy, but can also bring the pain.

    I'm here for ya girlie.

  8. This makes me SO mad and sad for you. I'm so very sorry you had to experience that.

    I have a 3-year old niece, and I try to tell her all the time (this is very "The Help" like, sorry) to not do anything to someone else that she wouldn't want someone else to do to her. It is literally a simple enough concept for a toddler but completely beyond that adult.

    Screw that guy. Sending you an e-hug!

  9. It's evil. It's cruel. And you had the right to be hurt. Hurt makes us turn in and not engage. The world is full of jerks who pick on people--fat, handicapped, ethnic, gay, religious, non-religious, political, not-politicall, poor, rich. They're just really low people who have dark clouds in their hearts. They're pitiable and dangerous, both, because they don't even realize how much hurt they leave in their wake.

    I hope the girl who's perfect for that Jerk is superfat. I hope the primo, #1, most suited mate for his life is FAT FAT FAT. And that he remembers the words he uttered about you and feels great shame. I hope the kindest people to him in life are FAT, and he feels shame.

    Sometimes, epiphanies come to jerks. This one needs it. I pray he gets it good. :)

    Baby, your worth is not your size. Society often makes us feel like that, but it's not. The me now, who actually gets hit on by younger dudes these days, and doesn't give a crap, cause my prince loved me 140 lbs and 300 lbs and in-between. THAT is a mensch. A real man. That jerk--he's an insecure twat who needs a trophy girl to feel manly about himself and life. He's clueless.

    Let's hope he gets a clue before he hurts another wonderful person for a stupid, stupid reason.

    Hold your head up. And next time, look him right in the eye and visually dare him to say a word. I've done that when I was big. It works. They don't expect chubbies to have a strong spirit.

    Cry in private. Look them dead in the eye with the stare of "DIE, BASTARD" in your eye. :D


  10. I wanted to cry just reading this. I would have done the same thing you did. And speaking of jerks... I'm going to email you...

  11. I hope this does not ruin the fact that I am so proud of you for going to an event in a new town and taking the opportunity to meet new people. That takes courage when you are new in town. But, hey - Jerk 2 did pay you a compliment, but the hurt can be much worse. It is sad that we always see the negative before we see the positive and we always get more negative then positive. Sending you big hugs that you start to hear more positive, and the negative of the day is something that you can overcome faster and easier. Hoping you do go to the next big town event no matter what comes your way!!!

    Staying MOtivated MO

  12. I read the "volunteer beer and cage fight" knew that would be a crude rude environment...I used to get that all when I was young and overweight. I did not like it a bit. I went chasing a car that yelled "Save the Whales" at me yelling back "say that to my face you needle dick"! I actually told a guy that I wondered why it was necessary for him to make me it because you need to make someone unhappy possibly because you have issues with impotency or small genitalia? I used to get fierce.
    Assholes are all over and probably live a superficial life of unhappiness in a pool of self spewed shit.
    All I have to say.

  13. arggghhh NOOOOOOOO... wish I wouldve been there, I would've said something witty and had you laughing all over again. please DONT let this bother you ANYmore... youve gotten it out of your system, you've felt the pain and now take that power back because he doesn't even deserve any further thought after today. You basically let dozens of people put you in an awesome uplifting mood and then let ONE single solitary assface take it all away. See all those comments left here? Get that smile on your face and stand proud that you put yourself out there and did a wonderful thing. xoxo...

  14. Aw I'm so sorry honey! What a bastard! I woulda definitely lost my cool and probably punched the prick square in the ear!

  15. WHAT!?????!!??!?

    They're two lonely guys drinking beer together at a is no great loss that they can't see how awesome and beautiful you are. I TOTALLY udnerstand how that hurts and how you feel. I recently was seeing a patient who's high maintentence (PUTTING IT NICELY) and I was wearing a pair of pink scrubs that are my favorite. She told me I looked like a big fat pig...

    And I tried to shake it off but I went home and cried anyway. I look at this as the ignorance of people and their disregard for your feelings just shows what lousy people they are.

    Didn't their mother ever teach them about karma!?

  16. P.S. -- The last half of my post today is specially for you. Enjoy!!

  17. You did not deserve to be treated that way, April.
    I'm sorry your night was ruined. I hope you can put it out of your mind, and focus on what a wonderful person you are - inside and out!!

  18. April I am sorry there are jerks out there that just can't keep their mouths shut. You know that jerk was just trying to show off to jerk 2 which at least was trying to get that jerk 1 to shut up. You don't deserve being talk to or about that way. I would of acted the same say even though I'd be so angry inside.
    I am proud of you for getting out and meeting new people, now that was cool and brave.
    Don't let this stop you from getting out and about.
    Take care April and rest assured you are beautiful inside and out. Also rest assured you will lose the weight you want and become the beautiful person we already see.
    Blessings my friend.

  19. (Amy couldn't have said it any better!) Those losers aren't worth it. <3

  20. Thanks for the sweet comments on my blog, they help and I'm sorry that you went through one deserves to be treated that way. Just remember that this guy was a small minded jerk and what goes around comes around. Stay strong!

  21. There are a lot of jerks out there, and alcohol always brings out the worst ones. I had a similar incident, and afterwards, someone said something that made me feel much better about it all: "A stranger's judgment of you does not define who you are; it defines who they are." Keep your head high and stay focused - you're doing terrific things. ♥

  22. Holy Crap! what a cockhead. I know it's easy to say don't worry about it, my therapist tells me to think about the person they are and consider whether their opinion is actually of any value to you, if not move on. Easier said that done I know, I've been in this situation hundreds of times and it still amazes me that people think it's ok to openly mock an overweight person but would never mock any other minority group for fear of being seen as a bigot! What a sad excuse for a human being, please ignore him, he's not worth it, he really isn't, hugs for you :-)

  23. Wow, I am so sorry you had to go through that. Complete jerks!

  24. Remember, people sometimes suck. There is no call for that crap, ever. Beauty is everywhere, we are losing weight for health. F em, get even, smile and go on...

  25. Ugh Ugh Ugh, sorry you had to go through that, it absolutely sucks. It's a shame more people can;t be like the nice guy defending you. All I can say is to turn this into something positive and use it as fuel to motivate you.

  26. Some people are mean, and they lead sad lives. They try to drag others down into their gulf of unhappiness. They probably would have been offensive to a barbie doll as well. I am sorry. I hate that words/actions can hurt so much.

  27. I'm so sorry April. I wish I had just the right words to give you that would make it all better. I don't. We can say that words can't hurt us til the cows come home but, the fact is, they do. The thing that I look forward to now is Karma. Karma will take a huge bite out of his ass and I truly hope you have the opportunity to witness it. Not that it will take away the sting but it sure would make me feel better. LOL

  28. I know exactly how you feel! I know it's hard to shake it off but think of this way: They are "nobodies" in you life. You might not even see them ever again. Don't let that get the best of you:) I'm a new follower btw!:)

  29. Thanks joining the challenge! I'll be doing a link list for everyone soon :)

  30. It's absolutely horrific that someone treated you like this. :( Wish I could give you a hug. I'm sure something like this has happened to most of us and it's very difficult. People can be cruel and very hurtful. And as much as someone can say "don't care what everyone else thinks of you." It's really hard to do! <3 You're the better person here. Just remember that. :)

  31. Wow, check out all your responses! (sorry i'm behind with all my blogs but for once i'm glad so i can read all these positive comments)

    I bet those idiots would never get as much support as you have because you're so much better than them.

    Oh and what Kelly said too! LOL

  32. It's amazing how much power one jerk & his/her words have isn't it? That's how I have to think of it cause no one has that much power unless you give it to them. I have to work really hard at this myself so I have to say kudos to you for volunteering and engaging all while having a good time... all of that is hard for me. I've gotten myself to do it a time or 2 but it's still so hard for me. Bouncing back from a jerk or 2 is getting easier though, heck it should be since I'm sort of in bouncy shape... soon I won't be so bouncy so I have to get that practice in now for then:-) I have to say that I'm impressed one of those jerks wasn't so jerky cause usually they tend to be the same!

  33. Two words: Dick. Heads.

    Good for you for taking the high road and not spitting in their beer buckets. I hope when the sting wears off you will remember how much fun you had before the dickheads arrived and ruined your night so you will get up the nerve to go out and do something fun again. Dickhead #1 will have to answer for his behavior in one way or another. I like that Dickhead #2 at least stood up for you in a way, but really, he's still a dickhead just for associating with Dickhead #1.

    In the mean time, I have thoroughly enjoyed reading your blog since I discovered it a few weeks ago and am SUPER impressed and inspired by your progress.

    Keep up the good work ... and sorry for my use of foul language ... but really, doesn't the situation kind of call for it? :)

  34. Awww that makes me sad!! I hate that and have total disgust for people like that. You can't change an ugly person on the inside!! (((HUGS)))
