Friday, August 5, 2011

drama llama - not my usual post

I hate finding out that my ex is happy.  Who does that?  Well, almost everyone I know hates finding out their ex is happy.  I wonder why that is?  I just find it unfair, like hey asshole remember all those sweet nothings you told me that amounted to nothing?  I still had to suffer through the losses.  Remember those plans we had that conveniently fell apart right as I was about to finish grad school and start our life together? Thanks for wasting our time.

I think that the demise of my relationship is part of why I started on this 30 by 30 list. (yes, it was over a year ago - I know, get over it!  We had a 6 year relationship, a couple off-ons)  I have wasted so much time just working for the man, being fat, setting goals that go by the way side, missing out on fabulous vacations, and just missing out on life in general that I was fed up with it.  I wanted to set a pretty basic (although it is proving to be a lot of work) list of 30 concrete things I could accomplish in one year's time that focused all on me, me, me.  For once.

He is happy and found the girl that had him at hello and they're perfect and bla bla bla.  I just hadn't heard much about him in a while and when I do  - it's that he's punch drunk on love while I'm sitting here alone, waking up alone, going to the grocery store alone, going for evening walks alone, etc.....?  Really just ruined my day.  I didn't even emo-eat either, it actually motivated me to work harder.  I learned about this all a couple days ago.  I have lost 5 pounds this week so far, I'll 'officially' weigh in on Sunday and see how that holds up or changes.  If that lying S.O.B. can be happy, so can I, right? 

To my ex - "Thanks for making me a fighter, for adding fuel to my already burning fire to regain my spirit, my love for myself, and my happiness.  I appreciate it, no really - I do.  P.S. - Fuck you."

I wonder if I'll be single forever?  I feel socially awkward, but that's only as my self-esteem dwindled into practically nothing over the last two years as my weight ballooned to its highest, my relationship slowly crumbled beneath me, grad school and working full time kicked my ass, and I just fell apart at the seams in general.  I met a guy last weekend at a party and he was flirting and I just stood there thinking, what do I say?  I want to talk to him (he was gorgeous and I honestly thought he would quickly talk to one of the other 4-5 girls before he would ever give me a second look, but he came right up to me!).  I kept looking around for one of my girl friends or cousins who were at the party to come break up this awkward transaction happening in the corner, but obviously this guy had set it up that way because he WANTED to get to know me.  I froze, I stated I needed to grab a drink and just never went back even though when I returned he was still off to the corner waiting.  I'm such an idiot. I just suck at engaging in conversation, I used to be awesome at it.  I'm a licensed social worker, I know how to talk to people - about very uncomfortable and sometimes horrendous things to be quite frank; yet I couldn't pull of a quick ice breaker with a cute guy.  Bummer.

We need to figure out how April gets her groove back..............  I don't want to be single forever, but I think it's good for the time being while I refocus my energy on me- not on my career, education, boyfriend, next idea of the month - but me as a whole.  I want to love me, because I certainly can't love you until I do, right?  Whoever *you end up being..... I know he's out there.


  1. He might be happy now, but that wont last! You working on yourself will last a lifetime and make you so much more happier than any guy ever could have! I am proud of you working on YOU and know that you are worth every bit of effort! Keep it up!!

  2. Emphasis on the EFF YOU in that letter. :)
    Be extra selfish and focus on YOU, YOU, YOU. It will be WELL worth it!!

  3. agreed with above comments. I was just talking to a coworker about this. After my ex and I broke up, it took him an entire month to find someone else (who he is now happily married to). Though during the first 3 months of his new relationship he was still trying to get me back...loserville. You're time will come dont you worry about that :0)

  4. He wasn't the one for you. Your man is out there. You are doing the right thing by focusing on you...


    Your better off hun! Keep fighting!

  6. Like the others said, his happiness is temporary and your weight loss is for life! It's all about YOU now!

  7. I think we all know those feelings of the ex doing better then you want him too!! But as people have sad above F him!! You're better of without him and by the sounds of it you're doing a good job getting yourself back together again so just keep it up and you'll be loving yourself real soon!

  8. My husband and I went to a "His Needs Her Needs" seminar. You may want to read this book before starting another relationship. It will really help you understand men. For example, the No. 1 need on the men's list is sex. The No. 1 need on the women's list is communication. I'll just leave it at that. Also remember that sex and love are not the same thing. I am glad my post held some meaning for you.

  9. You're better off without him. And the only other thing I can add is that you'll never be able to move forward with your life until you let go of the past - FOR GOOD.

  10. April, meet April, and honey do I ever hear YOU! There is something about hearing that the man that you know you loved much more than he deserved, is happy with out you. I'm just getting to place where that isn't sending me directly into a pint of the good ole Haagen D. So good for you, for taking those feelings and making them work for you. Fuck him, focus on you, go forth and wonderful to yourself! Looking forward to getting to know you through your blog.

  11. wow girl what a post! great for you for working through and talking it out with us ;) def adore your blog- you're a fabulous writer!

  12. You will get there, just know that you will and when you do you will feel good, exhilerated and glad that you took the time to get there! We wish for a magic pill (0h, wouldn't that be nice). Divorced 6 years and when I got my MOJO back I was me again!! You too will get your groove back!! You already are working on it by taking care of you first!! Sending you big hugs!

    Staying MOtivated MO
