Monday, June 27, 2011

STS update 6/27/11

Last week's weigh in - 305.5

I lost 6.5 pounds this week!!!

This week = 299.  I am NOT going over 300.  Ever. Again. Period.

Water intake = at least 80 ounces every day, met with flying colors all days except Thursday.  I was on travel this week and got out of my rhythm of filling my water bottle.  I actually got very thirsty on Thursday evening.  When you're thirsty, you've already let your water intake get behind.  That won't happen again.  This is actually the easiest part of my goals for me to reach every week.

Calories = Ok I have to admit I just guess. I think I am going to get online, is it fitnesspal?  I need to just start a profile there because I guess like crazy.  I just think that if I'm making healthy choices, then it must be okay.  I did some boredom eating on Sunday when I was home.  First a piece of cheese, then some popcorn, then a fresh peach, then some rice & peas, then this and that and on and on.  I WAS NOT hungry, I was bored.  Finally I went and cleaned out my spare bedroom in order to quit.  I don't know what the emotion was - just feeling bored.  Will keep you all posted on fitnesspal profile.  Need to do that today!

Exercise: I was on travel, so the walking became just at the malls and in department stores.  I did reduce calories a lot though, so I think that saved me as far as lack of exercise for the few days I was out of town.  When I was home, I stuck to a routine.  I need to try to get in exercise at like 5:30am, to get my energy up, metabolism going, and awake and alive for the day.  Even a 20 minute cardio routine would be good. 

Well, I started this challenge at 311, I am not at 299.  It feels good.  I can do the 41 pounds by August 29th if I step my game up now and I mean, right now.  I don't want to see 301, I don't want to see 305 and good gravy I never want to see 333 again  - my heaviest last summer.  Never.  Again. 

Thanks for your support and comments, it has been really helpful. 


  1. Congratulations on reaching the 200s! You are doing great! Keep up the good work!

  2. This is awesome. I am very happy for you. This IS a great thing! Your weight loss has been incredible. Recognizing what triggers your eating off plan is great. Emotional eating sucks. I will be stepping up with you. I seriously stalled. It makes me happy to go around and see that others did not. So it is not a voodoo thing it is just me. LOL.

  3. YAY!!!!! I am jumping up and down for you!!! Getting out of the 300's is a huge milestone, congrats!

  4. I am hoping to be out of the 300s by end of challenge! And I hope to never see that number on anything weight related ever again!

    I am so happy for you that you are out of the 300s! Congrats! Keep it up- you're doing great! Don't lose that momentum!

  5. You can do it! You are focused on the things that will get you there. I agree that you should be more accurate on your calories...every time I guess I am waaaay too low. Keep up the exercise!

  6. Wow just a big milestone!!!!

    Look me up on my fitness pal. Here's my link

  7. New century cyber high five! Congratulations!

  8. Wow, congrats on the loss, that is awesome. I use, actually I use the iPhone app on my iPad, it's really good.

  9. Wow!! What a loss!!! Congrats on getting in the 200! You are doing so great! All while traveling too! WTG!

  10. April!! That is just awesome! Congrats on getting into the 200s. What a great feeling! I use for tracking and really love it in case you want to check it out. Have a great week!

  11. Awesome. You go girl. Say goodbye to the "3's" forever and ever and ever. There is determination in what you write - keep it up.

  12. Good for you! Go ahead and try Myfitnesspal or they have other online trackers too. I just use and look up my stats and just use a notebook. It's easier for me but many find success with myfitnesspal. Either way but keep track of those calories and you'll be doing awesome! Glad you're getting your water in, that is super important! Good for you and keep it up!!

  13. Awesome progress! Once you get onto myfitnesspal, add me as a friend (ambreee). It has helped me a lot in my tracking.

  14. I am so happy for you. I hope to join you soon. You are doing great!!! Keep at it diva.

  15. YEAH!!! That is excellent. You're on your way to becoming the healthy young lady you deserve to be.
    Take care and God Bless!!

  16. WOW You go girl!! Thats amazing!! I use to do all my tracking, but I know lots of people use Have an awesome week!!

  17. Happy Dance! Happy Dance!

    That is just amazing, and I'm so proud of you! Keep going!

  18. Aweomse Miss April!!!!! So happy for you :-)

  19. I think that is an amazing weight loss. As far as calorie tracking, I use the calorie counter at WEB MD. I chart my own calories and this works well for me. have another fantastic week with the STS!
